
  • 网络IGAD
  1. 在一天的地区峰会结束时,政府间发展组织秘书长马阿林说,埃塞俄比亚已答应提供帮助。

    At the end of a one-day regional summit , IGAD Secretary General Mahboub Maalim said Ethiopia had agreed to help .

  2. 几年前,厄立特里亚暂停了它在政府间发展组织中的成员身份。尽管它最近试图重新加入,但却遭到断然拒绝。

    Eritrea suspended its membership in IGAD a few years ago , but its recent attempt to rejoin has been rebuffed .

  3. 肯尼亚外交部长宣布说,东非政府间发展组织也会加入解决这场危机的努力。

    Kenya 's foreign minister announced that the regional body IGAD would join in efforts to resolve the crisis .

  4. 按照非洲联盟以及东非政府间发展组织的机制准则,我们的任务一完成,肯尼亚部队就将撤出,并把维护安全行动的任务移交给非洲联盟部队和索马里过渡政府。

    Once our objective is met as per the framework of AU and IGAD , Kenyan troops will withdraw and leave the security operations to AU troops and TFG troops .

  5. 为此,我们支持和平解决危机的区域努力,特别是东非政府间发展组织(伊加特)主导的斡旋进程。

    We support , in this regard , the regional efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis , especially the mediation process led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development ( IGAD ) .

  6. 潘基文的发言人发表声明表示,联合国秘书长对12月27日举行的政府间发展组织首脑会议的成果表示欢迎,该组织将派调停小组与南苏丹政府和反对派沟通,争取达成停火协议,释放被捕人员,构建和平对话进程。

    A statement issued by Ban 's spokesperson says the UN chief welcomes the outcome of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Summit held on 27 December , appointing a mediation team to work with the government of South Sudan and opposition in reaching a cease fire , the release of the detainees and building toward a process of peaceful dialogue .