
zhì yuàn bīnɡ yì zhì
  • voluntary enlistment;volunteer service system
  1. 起源于北美殖民地时期的志愿兵役制因其固有的弱点,无法应付大规模的总体战;

    Because the voluntary enlistment which originated from colonial times had the inherent shortcomings , so it failed to cope with the large total war ;

  2. 有些政治人士也在讨论是否应该改为志愿兵役制,韩国流行乐队则充当了煽情的政治宣传和潜在的征募工具。

    With some politicians also debating whether the military should convert to a voluntary service , the K-pop bands serve as syrupy agitprop and a potential recruiting tool .