
  • 网络Shiga Naoya;Naoya Shiga;shiganaoya
  1. 志贺直哉(1883&1971)是日本近代著名作家,在日本近代文学史上占有重要的一席之地。

    Shiga Naoya , the famous Japanese writer , plays a significant role in modern Japanese literary history .

  2. 日本著名作家志贺直哉(1883~1971),白桦派代表作家之一。

    The famous Japanese writer called Shiga Naoya ( 1883 ~ 1971 ), is one of the represented writers in the school of platyphylla wood .

  3. 志贺直哉一生撰写了两百多部作品,这些作品基本上都是短篇小说。

    Basically , most of these works were short stories .

  4. 美术对志贺直哉文学创作的影响初探

    A Brief Study on the Influence of Art on Siga Naoya 's Literary Creation

  5. 小说《暗夜行路》是日本白桦派作家志贺直哉一生创作的唯一一部长篇小说。

    Shiga Naoya is one of the most important representatives of Shirakaba School in modern Japanese literary histoty .

  6. 志贺直哉(1883&1971)是活跃于日本近代文坛的著名作家,他不仅是白桦派的杰出代表,也是日本心境小说的开拓者,被日本人尊为小说之神。

    Naoya Shiga ( 1883 - 1971 ) is the famous writer who was active in the Japanese literary in modern times . He is not only an outstanding representative of silver birch group , but also respected as the " the god of the novel " by the Japanese .