
  1. 基于Multi-agent的高考志愿填报智能推荐系统

    An intelligent recommendations system of college choosing based on multi-agent

  2. 目的是从研究考生志愿填报系统的安全性入手,使得系统的安全得到加强,从而Java手机软件在考生志愿填报系统中得到更大的普及。

    The purpose is from the study of the securities of the voluntary reporting system to discuss how to make the security of the system strengthened , thus to make Java mobile phone software be more popular in candidates voluntary reporting systems .

  3. 高考志愿填报的层次分析模型

    A method of hierarchy analysis process of fill list for College Entrance Examination

  4. 据后来的调查发现,陈某在高考志愿填报系统中一共篡改了4名同学的志愿。

    A subsequent investigation found that Chen had altered four students ' applications in the online application system .

  5. 高考志愿填报中的偏好与公平研究&我国高考全志愿填报模式设计

    Study on the preference and fairness in the application for college entrance & Complete applying model designing in China 's college entrance examination

  6. 据张丽回忆,在校发放志愿填报密码时,班主任的确曾记录过全班同学的密码。

    As far as Zhangli recalled , when the school give aspiration forms to students , the class teacher did record all students'password .

  7. 对高考志愿填报方式的研究,既关系到高等教育质量,社会的合理流动与分层,也关系到考生的个人发展。

    Relation to the quality of higher-education , social reasonable flowing and layer , examinee personal development , this study can enrich some correlation theories .

  8. 可通过加强志愿填报指导、控制投档比例和采取两阶段投档等措施,进一步完善平行志愿录取方式。

    However , more Wish Filling instructions , Throw File rate control and Two-phase Throw File method can be used to perfect Parallel Wish enrolment pattern .

  9. 完善网络时政报道与提高网民政治素养的思考以人民网时政频道为例考得好不如报得好么?高考志愿填报博弈研究

    Thinking on Improving Chinese Netizens ' Ideological Caliber by Perfecting Current Political Affairs Reporting on Internet & Political News Channel of People 's Net as Example

  10. 由于志愿填报不当,高考生高分落榜现象并不鲜见。

    It 's not rare that some candidates for the university entrance examination get high marks but fail to be admitted to a university because they fill in the application form inappropriately .

  11. 具体研究工作有以下几个方面:1.对国内采用的各种高考志愿填报机制进行分析论证。

    The concrete research work has a few following aspects : 1 . To domestic adoption of various the application form filling mechanism of college entrance examination to carry on analytical argument . 2 .

  12. 对高校招生工作中专业的选择、各档次间的关系进行分析,列举志愿填报中存在的误区,指出填报志愿的原则和方法。

    The paper analyzed the choice of majors and certain relations , listed some misled in the filling of the aspiration forms , and pointed out the correct ways and principles of filling the forms .

  13. 高考志愿填报方式是高考招生录取制度的一部分,采用何种方式作为我国高考志愿填报方式,成为当前热门话题,引起社会各界的广泛关注和一定范围的争议。

    Higher education enrollment aspiration filling methods is a part of the system of higher education enrollment . We choose which one is current topic , it give rise to social extensive attentions and certain controversies .

  14. 高考志愿填报机制改革是高校招生制度改革的重要组成部分,其研究近年来已成为教育界的一个热点。

    The reform of college entrance examination application form filling mechanism is the important part in the reform of higher education admission system , its research has become one of educational circles in recent years a little bit hot .

  15. 在高考录取程序和操作方面,要缓解录取过程的信息不对称,完善志愿填报制度,并加强对录取过程的全方位监督。

    On the aspect of recruitment procedure and the operation , we need to alleviate on asymmetry information in the recruitment process , consummate the system of how to fill in the wish , and strengthen omni-directional supervision to the recruitment process .

  16. 她还写道,在高考志愿填报最后一天的最后三小时,清华招生人员冒充学生,拨打某省份北大招生中心的所有电话,导致需要从清华的对手那里获取信息的真正的学生无法拨通电话,这件事也是真的。

    It is also true , she writes , that during the final three hours for applications to be accepted , Tsinghua recruiters pretending to be students called all the phones at Peking University 's recruitment center in an unnamed province so that the lines stayed busy for real students in need of information from their rival .

  17. 高中艺术类学生的特殊性在于,他们的高考志愿所填报的是艺术类高等学校。

    High school art students , is a special group of students who sit in the main entrance in art colleges and universities .