
jī bài
  • defeat;beat;beat out;vanquish;knock out;overcome;overwhelm;triumph over;overpower;ace;beat down;frustrate;foil;nip
击败 [jī bài]
  • [defeat;nip;foil;frustrate;overcome;overpower;vanquish;triumph over] 战胜,打败

  • 以很大的 [投票] 差数击败对方的候选人

击败[jī bài]
  1. 1358年击败锡耶纳之后佩鲁贾的影响力达到了顶峰。

    The zenith of Perugia 's influence came with the defeat of Siena in 1358 .

  2. 新的竞争者被击败之后,价格就会重新上升。

    After defeat of the new competitor , the prices can rise again .

  3. 这位世界冠军昨晚三个回合就被轻松击败。

    The world champion was humbled last night in three rounds .

  4. 她在以前的所有交锋中都击败了这个对手。

    She has beaten her opponent in all of their previous encounters .

  5. 亨利星期三能施展魔力击败意大利队吗?

    Will Henry be able to weave his magic against Italy on Wednesday ?

  6. 他连续几盘迅速击败了那位比他年轻的选手。

    He dispatched the younger player in straight sets .

  7. 军队被叛乱者完全击败了。

    The army was overwhelmed by the rebels .

  8. 我们彻底击败了对手。

    We pulverized the opposition .

  9. 他们以7比3的比分击败了巨人队。

    They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3

  10. 尼克·福尔多在附加赛中被彼得·贝克击败。

    Nick Faldo was beaten by Peter Baker in a play-off .

  11. 在1/4决赛中他击败了伦德尔,闯入半决赛。

    He reached the semis after beating Lendl in the quarterfinal .

  12. 即便我们击败了托基队也不能撼动足球界。

    It won 't shake the football world if we beat Torquay

  13. 他轻松战胜了星期六击败厄尼·埃尔斯的加西亚。

    He easily overcame Garcia , Saturday 's conqueror of Ernie Els

  14. 在昨天的比赛中,瑞士以2比1击败美国。

    In yesterday 's games , Switzerland beat the United States two-one

  15. 你认为他们有可能击败澳大利亚吗?

    Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia ?

  16. 联盟本来可以击败政府并毁掉该条约的。

    A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty

  17. 在壁球场上他的主要目标就是击败我。

    In the squash court his chief aim is to flatten me

  18. 比赛难分高下,最终西班牙以3比2击败波兰。

    It was a close run thing before Spain beat Poland 3-2

  19. 凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。

    The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar 's victory over Pompey .

  20. 他能彻底击败首相。

    He could wipe the floor with the Prime Minister .

  21. 他以21比2、21比8和21比8直落三局击败了对手。

    He polished off his opponents 21-2 , 21-8 and 21-8

  22. 如果你像这样发球,没有人可以击败你。

    If you serve like this nobody can beat you .

  23. 温斯顿·丘吉尔在1945年的大选中被击败。

    In 1945 , Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls

  24. 双方都曾在单打比赛中击败过对方几次。

    Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight .

  25. 印度队苦战之下才以2比0击败卫冕冠军韩国队。

    India had to struggle to beat defending champions South Korea 2-0 .

  26. 她击败女演员梅丽尔·斯特里普,拿到了这个角色。

    She pipped actress Meryl Streep to the part .

  27. 印度尽管没有大胜,却也以3比0击败了日本。

    India while not racking up such an impressive score beat Japan 3-0 .

  28. 喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。

    Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone .

  29. 在决赛中,三号种子选手卡普里亚蒂击败了凯特林娜·马莉娃。

    In the final Capriati , the third seed , defeated Katerina Maleeva .

  30. 1938年,凯恩以点数击败杰基·杜里克,获得了世界拳王称号。

    Kane won the world title in 1938 when he outpointed Jackie Durich .