
  • 网络Compaction test;proctor compaction test
  1. 用Matlab实现击实试验数据处理

    Using Matlab realizes processing of compaction test data

  2. 对山渣料进行了较全面的试验研究,包括击实试验、CBR试验、回弹模量试验、抗压强度试验、浸水破碎试验及膨胀量试验。

    The rock-slag mixture has conducted the more comprehensive experimental study , including the compaction test , the CBR experiment , the snapping back module experiment , the compressive strength test , immerses broken experimental and the inflation quantity experiment .

  3. 土石混合料振动击实试验的PFC~(2D)模拟研究

    PFC ~ ( 2D ) simulation research on vibrating compaction test of soil-aggregate mixture

  4. 通过击实试验、承载比试验,得出了红层泥岩试样的最优含水量及最大干密度的关系,以及CBR值。

    The relationship of the red mudstone among the optimum water content and maximum dry density and CBR value can be obtain .

  5. 标准击实试验的一种数据处理方法研究

    Study on the Method in Data Processing of Standard Compaction Test

  6. 灰土击实试验及其应用

    Study of compaction test of lime - soil and its use

  7. 并对击实试验尚须改进之处提出建议。

    And some suggestions for the improvement of test process are presented .

  8. 浅析室内标准击实试验与路基压实度控制问题

    Indoor Standard Compaction Test and Subgrade Degree of Compaction Control

  9. 小浪底工程击实试验结果的可靠性研究

    Reliability study on the compaction test results of Xiaolangdi project

  10. 风化岩路基填料的击实试验与检测方法

    Compressing Test and Measuring Method of the Decomposed Rock Subgrade

  11. 用统计方法判断击实试验结果的可靠性

    Judgement of reliability of compaction test results by statistic method

  12. 土工击实试验中预估最优含水率的方法

    Predicting method of optimum water content in geotechnical compaction test

  13. 浅析影响击实试验准确性的主要因素

    Brief Analysis on the Main Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Compaction Test

  14. 沥青混合料大型马歇尔击实试验与路用性能研究

    The Large Scale Marshall Compaction Test and Its Pavement Performance

  15. 击实试验标准不同对试验结果的影响

    The Effects of Different Hitting Test Standards on Test Results

  16. 击实试验数据处理方法的探讨

    Discussion on the method to process data of compaction test

  17. 土石混和料大型击实试验研究

    Research on Large-scale Compaction Test of Earth and Rock Mixture

  18. 浅谈土方路基标准重型击实试验的方法

    The Methods of the Standard Heavy Compaction Test for the Earth Roadbed

  19. 探讨室内击实试验与路基施工现场的压实度控制

    Indoor tamping trial and onsite control of degree of compaction for subgrade construction

  20. 土的轻型与重型击实试验结果的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of the Results for Light and Heavy Compaction Test of Soil

  21. 土工击实试验数据处理的拟合正交多项式方法

    Application of fitting orthogonal polynomial in standard compaction test

  22. 二灰类材料击实试验合理性的探讨

    On rationality of compaction test of lime-fly ash materials

  23. 影响土样击实试验结果的试验分析

    Analysis on the influence factors in the compaction test

  24. 固体废弃物煤矸石室内击实试验研究

    Study on Indoor Impaction Test of Coal Refuse

  25. 膨胀土击实试验及参数分析

    Compaction Test and Parameter Analysis of Expansive Soil

  26. 浅析击实试验的机理及在堤防工程施工质量评定中的重要性

    On the Mechanism of Compaction Test and its Importance to Embankment Project 's Quality Evaluation

  27. 利用马歇尔击实试验确定了粗细集料的分界标准。

    Dividing criterion between coarse and fine aggregate was set by use of Marshall Test .

  28. 豫西地区压实填土击实试验结果的初步研究

    Reserch and Application of Fill and Ramming Compaction Test in West Area of Henan Province

  29. 关于击实试验标准的研究

    A Study of the Compaction Test Standard

  30. 轻型击实试验中土的塑限与含水率关系的探讨

    Probe into relationship between plastic limit and water content of soil by light compaction test