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  • 网络Manji
  1. 那些江湖郎中声称他们卖的万灵药能治百病,你相信他们吗?

    Do you believe the charlatans ' claim that the panaceas they sell can cure all diseases ?

  2. 新菌阳登记率21.65/10万,初复治菌阳病例比例达2.5∶1。结论归口管理是提高肺结核病例发现率和治愈率的一项非常重要的措施。

    The new case registration rate of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis was 21.65/100000 in 2004 . The ratio of new smear-positive cases and retreatment smear-positive cases was 2.5 ∶ 1 . Conclusion Centralized management of tuberculosis cases was an important measure to improve the TB case-finding rate and cure rate .

  3. 结果4个项目县覆盖人口160.4万,每县年投入专项经费7.5万元,项目实施第一年,新发涂阳肺结核新登记率达20.45/10万,初治涂阳病人治愈率达97.2%。

    000 and an investment of special fund 75 ? 000 . During the first year of practice , the new registered rate of the new smear positive cases reached 20.45 / 100 ? 000 . The cure rate of initial treatment smear positive pulmonary Tuberculosis reached 97.2 % .