
  • 网络salamanca
  1. 但这正是部分游客对马德里的萨拉曼卡区(BarriodeSalamanca)所抱持的态度,这里大概算是这座城市里最豪华的飞地,堪与美国曼哈顿的上东区比肩。

    But that 's what some visitors do with Barrio de Salamanca in Madrid , perhaps the city 's toniest enclave , often ( and rather aptly ) compared to the Upper East Side of Manhattan .

  2. 此外,UNIVPM和UB的科学家,其他如西班牙萨拉曼卡大学、格拉纳达,萨尔维亚的贝尔格莱德大学的研究人员都参与本项研究。

    Furthermore , as well as scientists at the UNIVPM and the UB , others from the universities of Salamanca and Granada in Spain and of Belgrade in Serbia have participated in this research study .

  3. 1994年联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)在《萨拉曼卡宣言》中提出了全纳教育思想理念,对传统的教育观念产生了巨大的冲击。

    Inclusive education was proposed by UNESCO in 1994 which had a tremendous impact on the traditional concept .

  4. 当我去拜访位于西班牙的萨拉曼卡的时候,我被那里的马约尔广场深深吸引,于是一整天都呆在了那儿。

    When I visited Salamanca in Spain , I gravitated to the Plaza Mayor at all hours of the day .

  5. 说一个与萨拉曼卡的马约尔广场相较衡的现代广场,巴黎的协和广场,

    So one contemporary equivalent of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca is the Place de la D é fense in Paris ,

  6. 据国外媒体报道,在西班牙萨拉曼卡市一个远古大教堂上竟有着神秘的太空人浮雕。

    According to foreign media reports , in an ancient cathedral city of Salamanca , Spain , actually have a mysterious astronaut on the relief .

  7. 因此,不论你的预算是日均20欧元、200欧元还是2000欧元,马德里的萨拉曼卡区都值得你去了解一下。

    So whether your budget is 20 , 200 or 2000 euros per day , Madrid 's Barrio de Salamanca is worth getting to know .

  8. 但是对于那些想要尽情感受马德里精髓所在的人而言,即便是萨拉曼卡区这样的上流社会街区,也有价格从适中到完全免费的地方可去。

    But for anyone hoping to savor the true essence of Madrid , even upper-crust Barrio Salamanca has price points ranging from modest to free .

  9. 中世纪时期,大批修道士、学者从巴黎、博洛尼亚和萨拉曼卡涌到这里,在此后的几百年里,我国的修道士和学者在欧洲各地也得到礼遇。

    Monks and scholars flocked here from Paris , Bologna and Salamanca in the Middle Ages and , over the years , our own benefited from reciprocal hospitality across Europe .

  10. 萨拉曼卡的街道虽非黄金铺就,但在这处西班牙市郊中,却随处可见密密麻麻的珠宝店、画廊、古董店和奢侈时装店,其中的价格往往高达天际。

    While Salamanca 's streets aren 't paved with gold , the barrio does support a surprising density of jewelers , galleries , antiques dealers and luxury fashion houses where prices are , more often than not , sky high .