
  • 网络Satsuma domain
  1. 他们被带到了萨摩藩的领地鹿儿岛。

    They were taken to Kagoshima , seat of the Satsuma clan .

  2. 解释长州及萨摩藩势力日益增长的原因,并解释该两藩如何导致德川幕府的倒台。

    Account for the growing strength of Satsuma and Choshu , and explain how these two hans contributed to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate . ( 2001 )

  3. 着重分析了萨摩藩在留学生派遣中的影响、官生的选拔考试、琉球留学生的中国教师,以及琉球留学生回国对琉球社会发展所做的贡献等方面。

    It mainly focuses on the analysis of the Satsumahan s effect on the dispatch of overseas students , the selection test of official students , and Chinese teachers for Ryukyu oversea students , etc.

  4. 公元1609年,日本萨摩藩出兵武装侵略琉球,囚禁琉球王于鹿儿岛,强迫琉球向日本进贡,并吞并琉球北部岛屿。

    In 1609 , the Japanese Satsuma invaded Ryukyu with armed troops and imprisoned the king at the Kagoshima . They forced the people tribute to Japan and annexed the northern part of Ryukyu .