
  • 网络Surrey;surrey county;Surry
  1. 各种植物种在150个木盒子中,摆放整齐,延伸了350米。这是英国南部萨里郡HighDown监狱的犯人打造的。

    The plants are neatly laid out in 150 wooden boxes , extending over 350 metres , made by prisoners at High Down prison in the southern English county of Surrey .

  2. “我才25岁就感到胸部剧烈疼痛,”Lee女士回忆说,她是英国萨里郡的一名音乐医疗师。

    " I was25 and felt this excruciating pain in my chest ," recalls Lee , a music therapist from Surrey .

  3. 在萨里郡通勤居民区ShamleyGreen村,50只猫咪被戴上了GPS追踪器,当这些猫咪在夜间潜行时,这些追踪器可以准备定位它们的位置,误差仅为几厘米。

    In the Surrey commuter-belt village of Shamley Green , 50 pet moggies were fitted with GPS trackers that pinpointed their position to within a few centimetres as they prowled on their nightly rounds .

  4. 桑赫斯特皇家军事学院(RoyalMilitaryAcademySandhurst)坐落在伦敦西南的萨里郡。在这里接受训练、准备成为英国军官的年轻男女们,不会如此轻松地看待生死问题。

    The young men and women training to become British army officers at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst ( RMAS ) in Surrey , south-west of London , do not take matters of life and death so lightly .

  5. 2005年,在因为攻击自己的伙伴而被判有罪后,她就被送到了位于萨里郡的Downview,女子监狱。

    Convicted of assaulting her partner in2005 , she was sent to Downview , a women 's prison in Surrey .

  6. 他们就读于萨里郡的圣阿尔代寄宿学校。

    They 're at St Aldates . Posh boarding place in Surrey .

  7. 他们在圣艾尔代茨。萨里郡的豪华寄宿学校。

    They 're at St Aldates.Posh boarding place in Surrey .

  8. 也许有朝一日市政厅了解情况之后会恢复这一萨里郡大集市节。

    Perhaps an enlightened Urban Council will one day revive this great Surrey festival .

  9. 他们在萨里郡拥有一鹰具400年历史的庄园。

    They own a400-year-old manor house in surrey .

  10. 他们在萨里郡瑞得希尔附近的远郊富人区买了栋房子。

    They 've bought a house in a small stockbroker belt village near Redhill in surrey .

  11. 萨里郡警官对道勒电话被窃听一事知情,但选择视而不见。

    The police in Surrey seem to have known about the Dowler hacking but overlooked it .

  12. 小惠金区位于萨里郡,萨里郡坐落于伦敦市区的西南角。

    Little Whinging is in Surrey , which is located to the south and southwest of London .

  13. 在树木繁茂的萨里郡,在一个宁静的早春清晨,这些话听上去颇有道理。

    In the calm of an early spring morning in leafy Surrey , these words seem sensible .

  14. 女学生米莉·道勒于2002年3月在英国萨里郡被谋杀,年仅13岁。对米莉的窃听使整个事件大为不同。

    The big difference is Milly Dowler , a 13-year-old schoolgirl who was murdered in Surrey in March 2002 .

  15. 英国哥伦比亚的萨里郡白石镇的迪安娜`斯科特是听取马尔特呈述词之一的人。

    Deanna Scott of White Rock , Surrey in British Columbia is one of the people listening to Mallett 's presentation .

  16. 萨里郡、白金汉郡、汉普郡及贝克郡现已跻身于全球35个最昂贵地区之列。

    Surrey , Buckinghamshire , Hampshire and Berkshire are now among the top 35 most expensive property areas in the world .

  17. 根据《星期日泰晤士报》,性玩具消费排名第二的是牛津郡的迪考特市,其后是萨里郡的戈达明市和汉普郡的贝辛斯托克市。

    According to The Sunday Times , it was closely followed by Didcot in Oxfordshire , Godalming in Surrey and Basingstoke in Hampshire .

  18. 萨里郡它也有一小部分是在在泰晤士河的北岸,小惠金区绝对能够在那里的西北端找到。

    It is almost certainly to be found in the far north-west corner of the county , in the small section which is north of the Thames .

  19. 位于萨里郡的圣歌技术公司的主管马丁•菲尔普斯表示,这一唱诗设备已经帮助许多教堂重振行将没落的教堂集会。

    And Martin Phelps , director of the Surrey based company Hymn Technology , said that the hymnal device is already helping churches to revive flagging congregations .

  20. 这家疗养院于1885年开业,它由很多三角墙红砖建筑组成,还有一个145英尺高的尖顶,耸立在萨里郡潮湿的空气中。

    The sanitarium , opened in 1885 , was a great heap of gabled redbrick buildings , topped by a tower rising 145 feet into the damp air of Surrey .

  21. 在英国萨里郡一个偏远的、毫无特色的工业园区,你不会料到会在这里遇见某人&他在不久之前还是英国政府胸怀大志的高官之一。

    A nondescript industrial park in deepest Surrey is not the place you would expect to find someone who , until recently , was one of the government 's high-fliers .

  22. 在英国,狂热分子们参加“痛扁杜鹃花”运动,斩除产自亚洲的“入侵物种”、美化了萨里郡树林和苏格兰河滨风景的杜鹃花。

    In Britain , zealots go out " rhodie-bashing " to slash away that " invasive " native of Asia , the Rhododendron , that now beautifies the woods of Surrey and Scottish lochsides .

  23. 当这位来自萨里郡、爱普索姆镇的农民把幼崽交给宾夕法尼亚的野生动植物急救中心的工作人员来放回野外时,他坚持也要把玩具交给他们。

    The farmer , from Epsom , in Surrey , insisted on giving staff at Wildlife Aid , in Leatherhead , the toy when he gave them the cubs to be released back into the wild .

  24. 克洛伊和迈克尔在相识三年后结婚,而现在这副油画已经挂在这对新人位于萨里郡克里登市附近的伍斯特帕尔克公园的家中,画挂在了起居室最显眼的地方。

    Three years after they first met , Chloe and Michael married , and the painting now has pride of place in the living room of the couple 's home in Worcester Park near Croydon in Surrey .

  25. 虽然可能只有3%到15%的原油可开采,英国油气投资公司称英格兰西南部萨里郡的这个马山油井是一个世界级的潜在资源。

    Although only between three and 15 percent of the total is likely to be extractable , UK Oil Gas Investments ( UKOG ) said the Horse Hill well in Surrey , southwest England , was a world class potential resource .

  26. 当你想在繁忙的办公室秘密节食,戴夫‧布里斯科说,一位来自萨里郡的研究者,技巧在于接受他人提供的每一次招待——但只吃一块巧克力,以及最小的那块蛋糕。

    When you 're trying to diet in secret in a busy office , says Dave Briscoe , a researcher from Surrey , the trick is to accept each treat that is offered - but only one chocolate , and the smallest piece of cake .

  27. 当你想在繁忙的办公室秘密节食,戴夫8231;布里斯科说,一位来自萨里郡的研究者,技巧在于接受他人提供的每一次招待但只吃一块巧克力,以及最小的那块蛋糕。

    When you 're trying to diet in secret in a busy office , says Dave Briscoe , a researcher from Surrey , the trick is to accept each treat that is offered – but only one chocolate , and the smallest piece of cake .

  28. 萨里郡威特莱的爱德华国王学校的校长罗德尼福克斯,对王太后的一次到访赞誉有加。王太后是该校的董事长,每年都在圣詹姆斯宫请学生们喝茶。

    Rodney fox , the headmaster of King edward 's school in witley , surrey , is typical in his praise of a visit from the queen mother , who is president of the school and entertains pupils to tea at St james 's every year .

  29. 据悉,哈里王子的第一个孩子将于今年春天在萨里郡的弗莱姆利公园医院出生,哈里王子的姨妈韦塞克斯伯爵夫人曾在这家医院生过两个孩子。

    I hear plans are being made for Prince Harry 's first child , which is due in the spring , to be born in Surrey , at Frimley Park Hospital , where the Prince 's aunt , the Countess of Wessex , had her two children .

  30. 但是来自萨里郡49岁的杰基·布朗受够了每天搭配衣服的烦恼,于是她决定解决这个问题——坚持一个月里每天穿同一套衣服(当然会定期清洗熨烫)。

    But Jackie Brown , 49 , from Surrey , was so fed up of her daily fashion dilemma that she decided to put an end to the problem - by wearing the same outfit every day for a whole month ( washed and ironed regularly , of course ) 。