
  • 网络sam;surface to air missile;missile;surface-to-air missile
  1. 巡航导弹对地空导弹的突防概率仿真研究

    Simulation and Research on the Penetration Probability of ALCM against SAM

  2. 地空导弹系统近方雷达情报威胁判断分析

    Threat-estimation for Decision-making Model of Nearby Radar Information of the SAM System

  3. Air(初三适用)地空导弹系统可测试性设计

    Design for Testability in Ground to Air Missile

  4. 地空导弹CAD一体化工程数据结构及格式探讨

    Research on data structure and form of CAD Integrated Engineering of ground-to-air missile

  5. 基于某型地空导弹制导站MM测试的信号仿真

    Signal Simulation for MM Testing of One Ground-to-air Missile Guidance Station

  6. 地空导弹攻击ARM载机最佳区域仿真研究

    Simulation Study of the Best Region of Ground-to-air Missile Firing the ARM Attacker

  7. 基于HLA的地空导弹拦截仿真系统的开发

    The Development of Ground-to - Air Missile Intercept Simulation System Based on HLA

  8. 基于专家信息图AHP方法的地空导弹生存能力评估

    An Improved AHP Based on Expert Information Diagram in Estimation of Survivability of Surface-to-air Missile

  9. 研究飞机携带反辐射导弹(ARM)对抗地空导弹(SAM)防空系统的作战效能。

    Operation effectiveness of aircrafts with anti radiation missiles ( ARM ) in antagonizing SAM air defense system is studied .

  10. 通过地空导弹攻击ARM载机仿真模型的构建,得出两种不同ARM平均飞行速度下垂直最佳区域和水平最佳区域剖面图。

    The sectional views of the vertical and horizontal best-firing regions under two different speeds of ARM assaulting are obtained through the simulation model .

  11. 对进一步研究地空导弹CAD一体化工程中数据结构和格式,进而制定相应标准、规范,有较好的参考价值。

    It offers a good reference for further research on data structure and form of CAD integrated engineering of ground-to-air missile to draw up corresponding standards and norms .

  12. LQG最优制导规律在地空导弹中的应用

    Application of LQG Optimal Guidance Law to Ground-to-air Missile

  13. EPB威胁下的地空导弹火力单元生存性研究

    Survivability character of ground-to-air missile fire unit under the threat of EPB

  14. 本文主要阐述了数据结构的概念和国外的研究发展状况,分折、探讨了地空导弹CAD一体化工程数据的基本内容和类型,以及数据的结构和格式。

    This paper describes the concept of data structure and the development state abroad , analyses and studies the basic contents , type , structure and form of CAD integrated engineering of ground-to-air missile .

  15. 分析了电磁脉冲弹(EPB)威胁下地空导弹火力单元的弱点。

    The weakness of ground-to-air fire unit under the threat of EPB ( electromagnetic pulse bomb ) is analyzed .

  16. 结合正在研究的课题,提出了基于HLA标准的地空导弹指控模型仿真框架,并分析了防空对抗仿真过程;

    Combining with the current work , it brings forward the simulation framework of command and control model based on HLA , and analyzes the simulation process of air defense countermine .

  17. 针对地空导弹电源系统的九种主要故障,分别用BP神经网络和SOFM神经网络对其进行了故障诊断,均取得了较好的效果。

    Nine major kinds of fault in electrical source system of surface-to-air missile have been diagnosed respectively through BP and SOFM neural network , and pleasing results are obtained .

  18. 通过综合研究地空导弹阵地选择的战术、技术要求及影响因素,提出了阵地选择的指标体系,进而结合使用Delphi法,建立了地空导弹阵地优选的灰色关联模型。

    Researching on demands of tactics or technology and effect factors of selecting the position , it puts forward an index system , and then sets up the gray correlative optimal selection model combining with Delphi method .

  19. 针对当前空防对抗的主要特点,在地空导弹拦截的数学模型的基础上,利用HLA技术框架,详细地叙述了地空导弹拦截仿真系统的开发过程。

    Aiming at the present air defence intercept characters , the paper uses the HLA technology architecture to narrate in detail the development process of the ground-to-air missile intercept simulation system based on the mathematic models of the ground-to-air missile intercept .

  20. 研究了主控、预处理以及地空导弹等关键模块的设计技术,并详细阐述了仿真演示和MonteCarlo试验流程的设计思想。

    Furthermore the paper studies the designing techniques for some key modules , such as master , preprocessing , and surface-to-air missile module . The designing thought of simulation demo flow and Monte Carlo test flow are also stated in the paper in detail .

  21. 阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。

    During the military parade , the Mig-29 aircraft , surface - , T-72 tanks were displayed .

  22. 中国的HQ-2B地空导弹武器系统

    China 's HQ-2B Surface-to-Air Guided Missile System

  23. 现役地空导弹武器装备的修理级别分析模型

    Level of Repair Analysis Model of Ground-to-Air Missile Equipment in Service

  24. 某型地空导弹武器检测系统的研究

    Research of Detecting System for a Ground - air Missile Weapon

  25. 地空导弹弹道仿真模型

    Research into the Trajectory Simulation Model of Ground to Air Missile

  26. 某型地空导弹发射伺服控制系统设计

    Design of Some New Type Land-air Missile Launch Servo Control System

  27. 某型地空导弹测试模型划分的研究

    The Research of Testability Model Partition on Surface - to-air Missile

  28. 操作可靠性对地空导弹武器系统效能的影响

    Influence of Operation Reliability on Effectiveness for Ground-to-Air Missile Weapon System

  29. 地空导弹装备综合保障性评估模型研究

    Research on Integrated Supportability Model and Simulation of Surface-to-Air Missile Asset

  30. 地空导弹装备战斗损伤概率的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation Method for Battle Damage Probability of S-A Missile Equipment