
  • Nicholas Tse;Tse Ting Fung
  1. 参演《十月围城》的谢霆锋(NicholasTse)还摘得最佳男配角奖。

    ' Bodyguards and Assassins'also picked up an award for Hong Kong 's Nicholas Tse in the best supporting actor category .

  2. 张柏芝愿意为谢霆锋生几个孩子呢?

    How many children is Cecilia Cheung willing to have for Nicholas Tse ?

  3. 报道透露谢霆锋从最开始就一路陪伴柏芝。

    The report revealed that Nicholas Tse was accompanying Cheung from the very beginning .

  4. 时下青少年偶像有歌星谢霆锋和模特儿张柏芝。

    Singer Nicholas Tse ting-fung and model Cheung pak-chi are the teen idols of the moment .

  5. 谢霆锋接着说:我希望你能原谅当年那个不懂事的无礼小孩。

    Tse went on : I hope you forgive the rude kid who had no judgment .

  6. 在我眼中比较出名的明星夫妻就是张柏芝和谢霆锋。

    I compare in the eyes of husband and wife is famous star Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse .

  7. 不久以后,谢霆锋,他的司机以及一名警员被指控串谋顶包的罪名。

    Tse , his driver and a police constable were later convicted of conspiring to pervert the course .

  8. 你喜欢哪种男人?比如谢霆锋、德华还是别人?

    What kind of man do you prefer , someone like Xie tingfeng , Liu Dehua or else ?

  9. 在最近的一次记者会上,谢霆锋表示,本季的宗旨是弘扬8道中国传统菜肴。

    Their goal ? To celebrate China 's eight traditional cuisines , Tse said in a recent press conference .

  10. 有传闻称身为万人迷的香港明星张柏芝和谢霆锋要结束他们5年的婚姻,这使得他们的粉丝忧心忡忡。

    Rumors that Hong Kong heartthrobs Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse are ending their five-year marriage have worried their fans .

  11. 做为出镜的厨师,谢霆锋每集都要为一名名人嘉宾做一道当地美食。

    As the show 's on-camera chef , Tse will prepare a local dish for a celebrity guest in each episode .

  12. 谢霆锋有一次用英文说“假若您想得到您从未得到过的东东,您便要付出您从未付出过的努力”英文咋说的?

    If you want something and you 've never got before , then you must give something you 've never given before .

  13. 女生倾慕谢霆锋的才貌,男生则为张柏芝的长发和身材所颠倒。

    Tse 's talent and good looks attract the girls , while Cheung 's long hair and good figure attract the boys .

  14. 阿娇有一次看到谢霆锋和张柏芝接吻,表示很恶心,自己不会这样做。

    Ejiao have seen kissing Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung , said that he was very nausea , they do not do so .

  15. 比如最近梅姐站出为谢霆锋、陈小春撑腰说话,其两家年轻歌迷也必定对梅姐感激不尽。

    Recently she has spoken for Nicholas Tze and chan siu chuan , young fans of these two must be very grateful to her .

  16. 中国歌手和演员谢霆锋的美食旅行真人秀12道锋味于上周六在浙江卫视首播。

    Chinese singer and actor Nicholas Tse 's food travelogue reality program , Chef Nic , made its debut on Zhejiang Satellite TV last night .

  17. 和第一季环游世界寻找异域美食不同,本季中谢霆锋和他的明星朋友们直奔中国农村。

    But rather than traveling the world to taste exotic dishes , Tse and his clique of celeb friends are now headed to the Chinese countryside .

  18. 周润发对谢霆锋说,你这么年轻有为,香港电影的后30年就靠你了!

    Chou said to Tse : You are so young and ambitious , so the next 30 years of Hong Kong films will rest on your shoulders !

  19. 大牌中有王力宏、蔡依林、容祖儿、谢霆锋和马来西亚的梁静茹和戴佩妮。

    Among the big names at the event were Wang Lee Hom , Jolin Tsai , Joey Yung , Nicholas Tse , and Malaysia 's Fish Leong and Penny Tai .

  20. 新浪娱乐报道,谢霆锋在当地的一家医院告诉媒体,孩子很健康,母亲和孩子都很伟大。

    Patrick Tse , father of Nicholas told the media at a local hospital that the baby was very healthy and that both mom and child were doing great , Sina Entertainment reported .

  21. 有消息称,谢霆锋或将开餐厅。《十二道锋味》第二季或许预示着一位新明星大厨的崛起——首先是明星,其次才是厨师。

    With hints that Tse may open his own restaurant , The Twelve Feng Taste 's second season may mark the rise of a new celebrity chef - one who 's more celebrity , less chef .