
  • 网络spiritual culture;spirit;spirit culture;mental culture
  1. 企业精神文化建设实施方法的研究

    On the Implementing Approach to the Construction of Enterprise Spiritual Culture

  2. 人类无法割裂与原始精神文化的联系。

    Human beings cannot dissever the connections with primitive spiritual culture .

  3. 坚持正确政治方向,弘扬优秀传统文化,创新服务方式,推动全民阅读,更好满足人民精神文化需求。

    Sticking to correct political direction , we should promote our fine traditional culture and encourage a love of reading among the public by exploring new ways of services , so as to better meet the intellectual and cultural needs of our people .

  4. CIS(企业形象塑造)作为企业识别系统,可使企业经营理念与精神文化传达给服务者和服务对象,并促使其对企业产生一致的认同感与价值观。品牌成长中的企业CI变更研究

    In 1980s , the corporation identity system ( CIS ) strategy was introduced into China as an advanced market operation concept and a modern advertising theory . The Research of Corporation Identity in the Growth of Brand

  5. 中国古代士人,是精神文化的创造者、传播者、接受者。

    The ancient scholars are cultural creators , disseminators and receptors .

  6. 互联网对信息传播和人们精神文化生活影响的研究

    Internet 's Influence upon Information Transmission and People 's Spiritual Life

  7. 宁波帮商业精神文化的若干分析

    An analysis of the commercial spirit and culture of the Ningbo businessmen

  8. 谈高校校园文化中的精神文化建设

    On the Construction of the Spiritual Culture in Campus Culture

  9. 校园精神文化承载着课堂教学无法替代的价值功能。

    The campus spiritual culture bearing the classroom teaching irreplaceable value function .

  10. 艺术商品的市场价值同其精神文化价值之间并不矛盾,精神文化价值越大,商品价值越高,反之就越小。

    Their market value does not conflict with spiritual and cultural value .

  11. 由融合到境界:精神文化发展论

    From Mixture to Vista : Discussing the Development of the Spiritual Culture

  12. 科学是一种精神文化,它闪耀着智慧的光芒。

    Science is a spiritual culture , glittering the light of wisdom .

  13. 考察宗教的精神文化气质对现实的影响。

    Inspection religion energetic cultural makings to reality influence .

  14. 酒文化及酒的精神文化价值探微

    On the Spiritual Culture Value of China Wine Culture

  15. 职工精神文化权益维护之刍议

    How to Safeguard Staff 's Rights in Spirit Culture

  16. 当代大学生精神文化消费状况及其教育引导

    The Situation of the College Students ' Intellectual Cultural Consumption and its Guidance

  17. 管理文化是物质文化、制度文化、精神文化的统一体。

    Management culture consists of material culture , regulation culture and spirit culture .

  18. 当代精神文化价值研究

    A Study of the Value of Contemporary Spiritual Culture

  19. 不同的精神文化对两

    They emerged in two different cultures . And

  20. 从流动人口的精神文化生活看城市适应

    Adaptation to Urban Life-Take the Spiritual and Cultural life of Migrating Population for Example

  21. 明确基本理念,创建精神文化;

    Clarifying basic views to create spirit culture ;

  22. 旅游既是一种经济现象,也是一种精神文化活动。

    Tourism is an economic phenomenon as well as a mental and cultural activity .

  23. 图书馆文化;物质文化;制度文化;精神文化;信息文化。

    Library culture ; Material culture ; System culture ; Spirit culture ; Information culture .

  24. 企业文化是企业物质文化、精神文化与制度文化的总和。

    Enterprise culture integrates enterprise matter culture , enterprise spirits culture and enterprise institutions culture .

  25. 音乐和法律分别属于精神文化和制度文化的两个重要组成部分。

    Music and law are the important part of mental culture and institutional culture respectively .

  26. 娱乐是人类精神文化生活的合理需要。

    Entertainment is the reasonable need for the spiritual and cultural life of human beings .

  27. 它包括校园精神文化、校园制度文化、校园环境文化、校园社团文化,是大学教育的重要组成部分。

    It includes spirit culture , system culture , material culture , and league culture .

  28. 鲜花盆玩的购买与鉴赏既是一种物质消费,也是一种精神文化消费。

    The purchase and appreciation of potted fresh-flowers is both a material consumption and cultural consumption .

  29. 重构我们的精神文化家园

    Rebuilding Our Spiritual and Cultural Homeland

  30. 随着社会经济水平的提升,世界范围内人们温饱问题基本得到解决,人们也逐渐开始加强对精神文化方面的需求。

    With the social economic level advancing , people gradually raise their spiritual and cultural needs .