
  • 网络uranium fission
  1. 莫瑞斯·普利斯现在当讲师已经两年了,他和艾伦谈了一个关于铀核裂变的想法,莫瑞斯想出了一个方程式来计算链式反应需要的条件注。

    Maurice Pryce , then in his second year as a university lecturer , had a conversation with Alan about the new idea of uranium fission , and Maurice found an equation for the conditions required for a chain reaction to start .

  2. 从19世纪70年代投入运行以来,日本福岛第一核电站利用六个沸水堆,通过铀核裂变来产生热能。

    In operation since the early1970s , Japan 's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant uses six boiling water reactors , which rely on uranium nuclear fission to generate heat .

  3. 20世纪三四十年代,原子物理学家们发现中子轰击铀原子核的裂变现象并首次实现可控裂变链式反应,把世界带进了原子能时代。

    During the 30s and 40s of the last century atomic physicists discovered the fission of uranium nuclei bombarded by neutrons and realized the first self-sustaining controlled fission chain reaction , which ushered in the atomic age .

  4. 这个名称来自于原子能来源于核、或者原子核这样的事实。当核燃料,例如钚和铀,发生核裂变时释放出热能(这些燃料中原子发生分裂)。

    These names come from the fact that the source of energy the nucleus , or core , of the atom , nuclear fuels much as plutonium and uranium give off heat energy when fission ( the splitting of atoms in these fuels ) occurs .