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  • uranium bomb;U-bomb
  1. 贫铀弹击中坦克致下风方向人员健康风险

    Health risk assessment for personnels in downwind when DU hit tanks

  2. 战场贫铀弹撞击气溶胶特性研究现状

    Status on the research of properties of DU aerosol formed by impact

  3. 特别地,看看贫铀弹的威力吧。

    And especially , check out depleted uranium munitions .

  4. 现代战争中由于大范围使用贫铀弹,使贫铀中毒问题受到世界各国越来越多的关注。

    The use of depleted uranium ( DU ) weapons makes all of us have to face the problem of DU toxicosis .

  5. 因为在战场吸入贫铀弹穿甲壳释放出的有害颗粒,他患上了癌症。但约翰逊从未后悔。

    He believes he developed the cancer from inhaling particles from armor-piercing depleted uranium ( DU ) shells , but he has no regrets .

  6. 并使用贫化铀弹等非人道的武器,不但使痛苦临现在伊拉克民众而且毒害胎儿,扩展战争害未来。

    Inhumane weapons such as depleted uranium is not only afflicting exiting residents but also contaminating unborn child to extend the war damage to the future .

  7. 回顾核弹和贫铀弹的研制和使用所伴随的放射性污染给人类生存及生态环境产生的严重破坏。

    The serious damage of the human being and environment during the development and employment of the nuclear bomb and depleted uranium weapons is reviewed in the paper .

  8. 通过对贫铀弹的作用机理、研制、生产和使用情况及其危害的介绍,分析了其防护的重点和与之对应的防护方法,对贫铀弹的研究提出建议。

    An analysis of the emphases of radiation protection and the protection methods are given and the suggestion of the study on depleted uranium weapons are put forward .

  9. 以美国为首的北约在科索沃战争期间曾经向该地区投下大量贫铀弹,不但使该地区人民,也使维和士兵处于非常危险的境地。

    The NATO headed by the United States dropped a large number of depleted uranium bombs during the Kosovo war , subjecting peace-keeping soldiers as well as the local people to serious danger .

  10. 金属铀元件整体弹塑性蠕变分析

    An elasto-plastic-creep analysis of metallic uranium fuel element

  11. 贫铀在军事上主要用于加固装甲和制造贫铀弹。

    Depleted uranium ( DU ) has applied in plate armour reinforce and DU armour piercing bomb manufacture in military field .