
dì bèi wù
  • ground cover
地被物[dì bèi wù]
  1. 苔藓植物作为许多生态系统的主要地被物,在维管植物天然更新过程中发挥着不容忽视的作用。

    As the main ground cover of many ecosystems , bryophytes play an important role in the process of vascular plants ' natural regeneration .

  2. 黔中地区灌水量与地被物对土壤水分和辣椒生长的影响

    Influence of Irrigation and Coverage on Soil Moisture and Growth of Pepper

  3. 三峡库区三种林下地被物储水特性

    Water storage characteristics of ground covers under three forests in Three Gorges Area

  4. 大兴安岭几种主要可燃物类型地被物灰分含量比较分析

    Ash Contents of Several Principal Types of Fuels in Daxing ' an Mountains

  5. 不同沙面地被物增温效应的初步研究

    A Preliminary Research on Increasing Temperature Effectiveness in Different types of Desert Ground covers

  6. 攀登者穿过高高的栖息地,这里比森林地被物还高。

    The climbers move through a high-rise habitat , high above the forest floor .

  7. 黑龙江省主要森林类型地被物燃烧烟气分析

    Analysis of Gas Emission of Main Forest Types Ground Covers Combustion in Hei Longjiang Province

  8. 死、活地被物对红松伴生树种天然更新影响的实验研究林木耗水性研究述评

    Effect of litter layer on natural regeneration of companion tree species in Korean pine forest

  9. 川西高山和亚高山灌丛的地被物及土壤持水性能

    Water holding capacity of surface cover and soil of alpine and sub-alpine shrub in Western Sichuan , China

  10. 各群落内叶片的热值最高,凋落叶的次之,地被物的最小,影响凋落叶释放能量的主要因素不是微生物数量的大小,而可能是温度、淋溶和水分等生态因子。

    Temperature and leaching might be the main ecological factors influencing the releasing of energy of litter foliage .

  11. 此外,马尾松幼林的小气候效应与活地被物恢复和林冠郁闭密切相关。

    Microclimate effects of the forests have a direct bearing on the restoration of ground vegetation and canopy closure .

  12. 前人对原始暗针叶林水文学的研究已相当丰富,内容涉及冠层截留、地被物持水特征、森林蒸发散、土壤入渗、根土作用层等诸多方面;

    The physical characteristics of water for moss , litters and soil have been studied extensively in primary coniferous forests ;

  13. 大气沉降核素~(7)Be在黄土高原地被物中的分布初探

    Primary study on distribution of cosmogenic ~ ( 7 ) Be in the soil surface cover materials on loess plateau

  14. 初始含水量、雨量和降雨强度是影响地被物层水分传输的主导因子。

    Initial water content , precipitation quantity and precipitation intensity are the major factors influencing water transport in litters and moss layer .

  15. 草本层和地被物不发达、地表裸露是制约捕食性昆虫群落多样性的主要因素。

    Thin grass or ground coverage and bare ground were the major elements that restricted the diversity of the predatory insect community .

  16. 清林作业通过影响地被物条件影响土壤微生物生物量碳及氮的水平。

    Clearing forest operations could impact the levels of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen through the impact to the material conditions .

  17. 本文利用回归及主分量分析等方法,建立了地被物负荷量变化的数学模型。

    This Paper builds the mathematical models of covering plant space in forest with the method of regression and principal component analysis .

  18. 川西亚高山林区不同土地利用与土地覆盖的地被物及土壤持水特征

    Water holding capacity of ground covers and soils in different land uses and land covers in subalpine region of Western Sichuan , China

  19. 云杉林的碳库分布序列为土壤(0~100cm)>乔木层>灌木层>草本层>枯落物层>地被物层。云杉天然林分平均净生产总量为6838.5kg。

    Therefore , the carbon stocks are ordered : soil ( 0-100 cm ) > tree layer > shrub > herb > litter > duff .

  20. 以及开发泥炭藓的多种应用,既可收到变废为宝,又因清除了藓类等地被物而促进长白落叶松林的更新。

    The peat moss will be changed into valuable things and it promotes automatically the renewal of Larix olgensis forest for peat moss is cleared away .

  21. 发光光谱分析法测定氧化钇中微量铕2.大兴安岭林区平均每公顷的森林火灾受害面积,不同森林类型灌木层、草本层和地被物层释放的含碳气体量不同。

    Luminous Emission Spectroscopic Analysis of Trace Amounts of Europium in Yttrium Oxide 2 . The amounts of carbon-containing gas emission from understory vegetations and litter are different .

  22. 森林火灾对水的影响是间接的,主要表现为火烧后植被、地被物、土壤以及生态环境的改变影响水分循环过程、水质、水生生物等方面。

    Forest fire effects on hydrology through indirect ways , which mainly represented through vegetation , letter , soil and ecological environment changes after fire and their effects on water cycle , water quality and aquatic organism .

  23. 在同一植被类型内部结构特征的诸因子中,活地被物层的总盖度和草本层的生物量,是影响地表径流的主导因子:植被土壤对降水的调蓄功能,以混交林为最好。

    Among the factors of internal structural characteristics in the same vegetation type , the total coverage of the living ground layer and the biomass of the herbaceous layer are the leading ones affecting the surface runoff .

  24. 各种森林类型灌木层、草本层和地被物层的碳贡献以兴安落叶松林的最大为3715604.08t,樟子松林的碳贡献最小为302330.74t。

    Among 7 forest types , Larix gmelini forest and Pinus sylvestris forest have the largest and the least carbon contribution of understory vegetations and litter , the numbers are respectively 3 715 604.08 t and 302 330.74 t.

  25. 此外,分析了采伐方式、集材方式、林分郁闭度、枯落物厚度,土壤厚度,地形、下木及活地被物与华山松天然更新的关系,提出经营利用秦岭林区华山松林应注意的问题。

    The relationships between natural regeneration and cutting and skidding system , canopy closure , litter layer thickness , the depth of soil layers , topography , understorey or ground vegetation were analyzed . Considerations for the management and utilization of the forests were also suggested .

  26. 利用林分特征因子预测森林地被可燃物载量的研究

    Predicting Forest Surface Fuel Load by Using Forest Stand Factors

  27. 地被可燃物与林型火险等级划分

    Study on forest fuel and classification of fire disk level of stand type

  28. 辽西主要林型地被可燃物与林火发生关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between Forest Fuel and Forest Fire Occurrence in Major Forest Types

  29. 森林地被可燃物含水率及林火高发期的研究

    Research on the Relationship between Forest Combustible Ground Cover Moisture and Forest Fire Peak

  30. 辽东3种主要林型地被可燃物载量的研究

    Loading Capacity of Fuels of Ground Cover for Three Major Forest Types in Eastern Liaoning