
  • 网络TRANSITIONAL SPACE;transition space;non-places
  1. 室内外过渡空间的演变以及限定方式

    Outcome and Limiting Method of Transitional Space between Outdoors and Indoors

  2. 灰空间是指室内与室外的过渡空间。

    Disheartened space refers to the transitional space of indoors and outdoors .

  3. 综合医院院前过渡空间的特性探究

    Exploring Characteristics of the Transitional Space in front of Polyclinics

  4. 交往的发展&单元式集合住宅入户过渡空间的探讨

    Development of Communication & Research on the Entrance Transition Space in Congregate Apartment

  5. 城市灰空间是指介乎于室内外的过渡空间。

    Urban grey space refers to the transitional space between interior and exterior .

  6. 城市集合住宅过渡空间研究

    Research of Transition Space of Urban Congregant Resident

  7. 建筑内外过渡空间设计的研究

    Research of Transition of Inner , Outer Space

  8. 景观设计中过渡空间的处理。

    Process the transitive space in landscape designing .

  9. 现代园林展览建筑与外环境过渡空间研究

    The Study of Transition Space between Exhibition Architecture and External Environment in Modern Landscape Architecture

  10. 提出过渡空间的限定是由界面限定和空间限定共同限定的。

    Transition space limit is limited jointly by interface is limited and the space is limited .

  11. 第二章对乡土民居室内外过渡空间的空间构成进行了具体的分析,并对各种室内外过渡空间观念作了总结;

    The second chapter expounds the buildup of transitional space , and summarizes it 's idea .

  12. 而后花园附属的建筑一般临近街道,缺少过渡空间,显得突兀。

    The buildings with the back garden are usually close to the street without the transition space .

  13. 中庭作为一个过渡空间在允许的热状态方面是否需要做一些改进?

    Is the atrium seen as a buffer space , with some variation in required thermal conditions permissible ?

  14. 过渡空间因其半私密,半公共的空间属性,是人们频繁使用,乐意逗留的场所。

    Because of specialty of semi-private and semi-public , the transition space is frequently used and pleased to stay .

  15. 第三章分析了云南的自然人文对其室内外过渡空间的影响,明晰了一些空间形态、界面构成、景观布置的成因;

    The third chapter analyzes mostly the effect of nature and humanistic community in Yunnan to the transitional spatial formation .

  16. 在这些限定性因素中,人们可以将文学过渡空间的两种最基本的功能界定为抵制作用与推动作用。

    Within these parameters one could define the two most basic functions of the transitional literary space as resistance and emergence .

  17. 她避免跟其他乘客交谈,把这段路途当作一种用于阅读或思考的“过渡空间”。

    She avoids chatting with other passengers , using the ride as ' an in-between space ' to read or think .

  18. 前庭构造垂直折叠钢铁长城,作为一间电梯大堂和餐饮服务方面的过渡空间。

    The vestibule is constructed with vertical pleated steel wall that serves as a transition space between elevator lobby and dining area .

  19. 其次进一步提出我国城市集合住宅过渡空间的两种补充设计形式并提出相应的设计原则;

    Further more , I gather two kinds of innovation design forms of the transition space and puts forward the homologous design principle .

  20. 第五章对云南民居室内外过渡空间中的景观构成作一一概述,从环境艺术设计的角度进行分析;

    The fifths chapter introduces the landscape in the transitional space , and concludes the landscape design at the angle of environment design .

  21. 从柔性边界、防卫空间、领域空间等相关理论探讨过渡空间的设计方法。

    This paper wants to discuss the design of transition space from theories such as flexible boundary , defensible space , domain space .

  22. 过渡空间由过去的城市街道承担变为由门厅、电梯代替,但它们显得过于狭小。

    Transition space from the city by the bay into the streets bear , elevator replacement , but they appear to be too narrow .

  23. 它是建筑空间的重要载体和有机组成部分,然而过渡空间往往是在建筑设计中容易被忽视的部分。

    It is important and integral part of the architectural space , however the transition of space is often overlooked in the design section .

  24. 本论文分为六章:第一章解释了建筑空间的概念,对建筑室内外过渡空间进行了界定并阐述其存在的意义;

    The first chapter , One of six equal parts , explains the concept of Building space , transitional space and it 's significance in existence .

  25. 玄关的概念来源于中国,随后由日本人将其定位为功能性空间,特指室内与室外之间的一个过渡空间。

    The concept of porch from China , followed by the Japanese Defined its position as functional space , In particular the transitional space between indoor and outdoor .

  26. 对过渡空间的概念及其存在的意义进行剖析,并结合国内外的实例进行分析,提出在景观设计中应引起重视的过渡空间处理的方法。

    By analyzing the concept of transitive space and its existent significance , taking examples which all over the world , summarize the methods of transitive spatial in the landscape design process .

  27. 在建筑空间中巧妙地利用水体,能将建筑这一人工物体,与自然巧妙地结合起来,形成一个介于建筑与自然之间的过渡空间。

    Using water skillfully in architectural space , and it can combines a building as a man-made object with nature together , and forms transitional space between architectural space and natural space .

  28. 过渡空间将是我国园林空间设计的一个重要发展模式,对其的运用将会越来越广泛和普遍。

    Transition Space will be the design of our garden space as an important mode of development , and the utility of the landscape architecture will become more and more extensive and widespread .

  29. 同时,过渡空间使得园林中各职能空间和谐过渡,避免空间强行分割给人心里上造成的疏离感。

    At the same time , the transitional space makes all the functions of garden space in a harmonious transition , to avoid giving the forcible division of space caused by psychological alienation .

  30. 住宅小区主入口是住宅小区构成的重要部分,是居住区域的边界,是住宅小区进入城市区域的过渡空间。

    The main entrance is the important part of residential quarter , is the border of the residential area , and also is the transition space between the residential quarters to the urban space .