
  • 网络process control system;PCS;DCS;SPC
  1. 阐述工业过程控制系统的代表&集散式控制系统(DCS)的基本构成、控制性能及在我国的应用概况与存在的问题。

    The representative industry controller of DCS is presented in its basic structure , features and its application in China .

  2. 基于Web的生产统计过程控制系统中产品质量分析技术的研究与开发

    Research and development of product quality analysis techniques in SPC system based on computer Web technology

  3. 基于Controlnet现场总线的过程控制系统

    The Process Control System based on Control Net

  4. 基于PLC的水泥生产过程控制系统

    DCS Control System of Production technics of cement based PLC

  5. 过程控制系统中PID控制器参数优化的研究

    A Study on Parameter Optimization of PID Controller in Process Control System

  6. OPCWeb服务&过程控制系统信息集成的新方法

    OPC Web Serive-New Method of Process Control System Information Integration

  7. Visualc++6.0环境下的过程控制系统软件设计与实现

    The software design and implementation of a process control system based on the Visual C + + 6.0

  8. 小波变换在过程控制系统PID参数整定中应用的仿真研究

    PID parameter tuning by using wavelet transform and its simulation in process control systems

  9. 随着Web技术的发展,嵌入式web服务器技术在工业远程监控和生产过程控制系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of Web technology , the technology of the embedded Web server is wide used in industrial control and monitoring systems .

  10. 介绍了基于PLC和工业控制计算机的水泥配料过程控制系统。

    This paper introduced a cement compound process control system based on PLC and industrial control computer .

  11. ABS掺混生产过程控制系统具有安全性和可靠性。

    The chemical production process control system for ABS is security and reliability .

  12. 采用变频与PLC技术设计装卸矫直进式拉丝机变频调速过程控制系统

    Design of grabbing gantry crane with frequency converter and PLC Velocity Modulation System Use Frequency Converter on Straight-line Drawing Machine

  13. 过程控制系统在RH真空处理中的应用

    The Application of Process Control System Used in RH Equipment

  14. 借助MATLAB环境语言设计了一个有延迟的MIMO过程控制系统。

    A MIMO process control system with delay was designed by using the language of ( MATLAB ) environment .

  15. PLC、DCS及FCS在中小型冶金生产过程控制系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC and DCS and FCS in Process Control System of Iron and Steel Producing

  16. 利用LabWindows/CVI集成开发环境,基于C语言开发,编写了大规模工业化光纤器件质量过程控制系统软件。

    According to the LabWindows / CVI integrated development environment and C language development , we wrote the quality process control system software about the mass industrial fiber devices .

  17. 基于IPC的啤酒发酵过程控制系统

    Beer Fermentative Process Control System Based on IPC

  18. 基于Multi-Agent的复杂工业过程控制系统及其在PROFIBUS上实现的研究

    Research of the Complex Industry Process Control System Based on Multi-Agent Theory and Realization on PROFIBUS

  19. PROFIBUS-DP在网络化过程控制系统中的应用

    A Research of Networked Process Control System Based on PROFIBUS-DP

  20. 文章的最后介绍了运用套接字(Socket)编程实现该过程控制系统的远程监控。

    The end of the thesis realizes the remote monitor of this process control system by using Socket programming .

  21. 本文针对复杂工业过程控制系统的特点,提出一种模糊神经网络自适应控制系统,该系统由两个模糊神经网络组成,一个完成Fuzzy学习控制,另一个完成未知被控对象模型的建模。

    This paper proposed a new adaptive control system using fuzzy neural networks for complex industrial processes . This control system consists of a fuzzy neural networks controller and model fuzzy network .

  22. 基于HART协议的过程控制系统接口卡

    The HART-Based Interface Module for Process Control System

  23. 现代工业过程控制系统&DCS和FCS

    Modern Industrial Process Control System & DCS and FCS

  24. 基于MCGS的工业过程控制系统的开发与应用

    The Development of Industry Process Control System Based on MCGS

  25. 该文针对生产过程控制系统时实控制的需要,利用PCL&812接口板,通过实例介绍了用C语方编写实时中断程序的方法。

    This paper is based on the necessity of process control system , using PCL-812 interface board , to introduce the method of writing Real - time interrupt programe with C by a example .

  26. CMAC神经网络用于分析和设计非线性过程控制系统(Ⅱ)&控制策略

    CMAC Neural Network for Analyzing and Designing Nonlinear Process Control Systems & Part ⅱ: Control Strategy

  27. 复杂工业过程控制系统,单纯采用PID控制或模糊控制很难同时满足系统的快速性、高精度和无超调的要求。

    In a complex industrial process control system , it is difficult for using a PID or a fuzzy controller to realize the rapidity , high performance and non-overshooting .

  28. 最后指出不断完善的OPC技术代表了过程控制系统通信标准的发展方向。

    It is pointed out that OPC technology will be the direction of the development of communication standard for process control .

  29. 智能模块及其分布式系统(SDS)在驱动控制、顺序控制和过程控制系统中已有成功的应用。

    Intelligence module and its distribution system has already been applied successfully in sports control , train control and process control system .

  30. 实验室的PLC过程控制系统中,电加热锅炉与纯滞后盘管可视作一个广义对象,它是典型的大时滞对象,一般用常规的控制策略难以取得较好的控制效果。

    The electric heating boiler and the pure time delay plate-tube based on PLC process control system can be treated as a generalized object , which is a typical large time delay object .