
  • 网络Judy Chu;Congresswoman Judy Chu
  1. 加州众议员赵美心(JudyChu)说,尽管发生了亚利桑那州悲剧,这类的活动是民选官员工作的一个重要部分。

    But despite the Arizona tragedy , events like these are an important part of the work of a public official , says California Congresswoman Judy Chu .

  2. 赵美心的从政生涯最早可追溯到20世纪70年代早期,那时她正上大一,是圣盖博谷的一名社会活动人士和政治领袖。

    Judy Chu can trace the beginnings of her career as a San Gabriel Valley activist and political leader back to the early1970s and her freshman year in college .

  3. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校读书时,赵美心认识了她现在的丈夫&律师伍国庆。

    It was while she was a student at UCLA that Chu met her future husband , attorney Mike Eng.

  4. 赵美心说,国会议员有义务公开会见他们所代表的人,但他们也正在努力拟订新的安全规则。

    Chu says members of Congress are committed to meeting publicly with those they represent , but are working to develop new security guidelines .