
Cai Fang , director of the Institute of Population and Labour Economics , estimates China 's potential gross domestic product growth will fall to 6.1 per cent from 2016-20 .
A paper by Cai Fang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences states that " labour shortage has become rampant throughout the country since it broke out in coastal areas in 2004 . In 2011 , manufacturing enterprises came across unprecedented and universal difficulties in recruiting labour . "
Mr Fang 's paper gives compelling evidence of the consequent rise in real wages and shrinking profits .
Mr Cai said : From 2005 to 2010 , the growth rate of migrant workers was 4 per cent .
Cai , one of the writers of the report , urged the government to increase investment in healh care and education .
According to scholars , Cai established model projections , China 's economic growth in the1 / 4 can be attributed to the demographic dividend .
Reforms that allow migrants to tap urban benefits could boost the size of the labor force , supporting China 's growth , Mr. Cai said .
But most economists , such as Cai Fang , one of the most prominent economists on labour issues , believe that the real number is much smaller .
Cai said , myopia is already starting to set in , particularly for working-class students for whom the combination of tuition and lost wages can seem too large a sacrifice .
Mr Cai said : " From 2005 to 2010 , the growth rate of migrant workers was 4 per cent . Last year it was only 1.3 per cent . Maybe this year it will contract . "
China 's hukou system -- a social management system that ties benefits like health care and pensions to a person 's place of birth -- prevents 200 million-plus migrant workers from fully participating in the labor market , said Cai Fang , director of the Institute of Population Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .