
  1. 陈浩教授介绍,他们用于实验的无人机由深圳一家公司制造,这款无人机占据了中国无人机市场的70%。

    The drone they used in experiments is made by a Shenzhen company , which " Dominates 70 percent of China 's drone market , " according to Chen Hao .

  2. 另外,中国无人机可能还会让中国的邻国担忧,很多邻国与中国就东中国海和南中国海都有领土之争。

    S.and Israel , whose drones are unrivaled in the world today , and could worry China 's neighbors , many of which have territorial disputes with China in the East and South China Seas .

  3. 本周,总部位于中国深圳的无人机制造商大疆公司(DJI)得到了风险投资商阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)的7500万美元投资。

    This week , drone maker DJI , which is based in Shenzhen , China , said it raised $ 75 million from venture capital firm Accel Partners .

  4. 目前,中国没有就无人机制定任何法律法规。

    China does not currently have any laws on the regulation of drones .

  5. 而中国制造的无人机已经出现在伊拉克、也门以及尼日利亚的冲突中。

    Chinese drones have already appeared in conflicts in Iraq , Yemen and Nigeria .

  6. 上月中国一架无人机在争议岛屿附近空域飞行,日本随即表示,将考虑击落侵犯其领空的无人机。

    Last month , China flew a drone aircraft near the islands , leading Japan to say it would consider shooting down unmanned aircraft that violated its airspace .

  7. 一九九五年公司被国务院发展研究中心确认为中国最大的无人机科研生产基地,并入选中华之最。

    It was granted " The largest base of researching and manufacturing UAV in China " by State Department development and research center in 1995 , at the same time it was picked in " The best of china " .

  8. 尽管巴基斯坦官员否认中国参与该国无人机计划的说法,但鉴于北京和伊斯兰堡之间的军事关系越来越密切,西方官员不相信巴基斯坦的否认。

    Although Pakistani officials deny suggestions of Chinese involvement in the country 's drone programme , western officials remain unconvinced as military ties between Beijing and Islamabad tighten .

  9. 他们也暗示中国曾得到以色列的帮助。以色列在90年代向中国出售反雷达无人机,五角大楼大为震怒,后来就不让以色列提供升级产品。

    They suggested , too , that China had been helped by Israel , which sold China antiradar drones in the1990s & to the fury of the Pentagon , which has since blocked the Israelis from providing upgrades .