
  • 网络lafayette;La Fayette
  1. 并立即通报了他的拉法耶特的连接。

    And immediate were informed of his Lafayette connection .

  2. 该协会的办公室和种子实验室设施,是设在拉法耶特,印第安那。

    The Association 's office and seed laboratory facilities are located in Lafayette , Indiana .

  3. 论拉法耶特:两个世界的英雄的思想和实践

    On Lafayette : The Thought and Practice of " the Hero of Two Worlds "

  4. 因为在拉法耶特看来,以国家统一者的身份出现正是为维护人类不可侵犯的自然权利服务的。

    Because Lafayette deemed that he appeared to the identity of national unity just serviced for the safeguarding of the inviolability of the natural rights of human .

  5. 帕弗里克在2000年11月在拉斯维加斯首次登场,第二回合击倒拉法耶特懒惰而发在佩佩尔米尔饭店和卡西诺,此后他5-0胜利五场。

    Pavlik debuted in Las Vegas with a November , 2000 , second round knockout of Lafayett Randolph at the Peppermill Hotel and Casino , after which he was5-0 with as many stoppages .

  6. 法国贵族拉法耶特侯爵(1757&1834)既为北美独立战争立下战功,又是法国大革命初期的重要领袖,拥有两个世界的英雄的美称。

    French aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette ( 1757-1834 ) who has a good name " the hero of two worlds ", not only set military exploits for the American Revolution , but also was the important leader of the initial stage of the French Revolution .