
  • 【地名】【美国】Kailua
  1. 为了适应夏威夷的炎热,他在凯卢阿-科纳时髦的阿里大道(Ali’iDrive)租了一个房子,还在比赛开始前10天在酒店里订了几间连在一起的客房。

    To help acclimate to the Hawaiian heat , he rented a house on Kailua-Kona 's fashionable Ali'i Drive , as well as a block of hotel rooms for the 10 days leading up to the race .

  2. 当马克·布鲁曼克伦兹(MarcBlumencranz)有机会参加2013年夏威夷凯卢阿-科纳的铁人三项世界锦标赛(IronmanTriathlonWorldChampionships)时,他不惜一切代价去做准备,力求完成比赛。

    When Marc Blumencranz had an opportunity to compete in the 2013 Ironman Triathlon World Championships in Kailua-Kona , Hawaii , he spared no expense in his preparations to go the distance .