
  • 网络Caesarea;Caesarer
  1. 1975年,他的团队开始在凯撒利亚进行水下挖掘。

    and his team to start underwater excavations in Caesarea in 1975 .

  2. 关于希律凯撒利亚港沉没的原因有很多理论。

    Theories abound as to why Herod Caesarea port sank .

  3. 罗马军队的总部设在凯撒利亚,一个海港。

    The head quarters for Roman army was at Caesarea , a sea port .

  4. 该凯撒利亚港是受犹太王希律的差遣,

    The Port of Caesarea was commissioned by Herod the Great , King of Judaea ,

  5. 非斯都到了任,过了三天,就从凯撒利亚上耶路撒冷去。

    Now when Festus was come into the province , after three days he ascended from Caesarea to Jerusalem .

  6. 在以色列海岸附近的凯撒利亚古镇,一个水下博物馆向游客开放。

    An underwater museum is open for visitors off the coast of Israel in the ancient town of Caesarea .

  7. 弟兄们知道了,就送他下凯撒利亚,打发他往大数去。

    Which when the brethren knew , they brought him down to Caesarea , and sent him forth to Tarsus .

  8. 我们最后看见他是在凯撒利亚,他有几个女儿,同样参与教导福音的工作。

    We last see him in Caesarea and we learn he had several daughters who were also teachers of the Gospel .

  9. 马兵来到凯撒利亚,把文书呈给巡抚,便叫保罗站在他面前。

    Who , when they came to Caesarea , and delivered the epistle to the governor , presented Paul also before him .

  10. 正当那时,有三个人站在我们所住的房门前,是从凯撒利亚差来见我的。

    And , behold , immediately there were three men already come unto the house where I was , sent from Caesarea unto me .

  11. 上世纪50年代开始的最新考古工作使部分沉没的港口恢复了生机,凯撒利亚的地上奇观也重现于世。

    Recent archaeological work that started in the 1950s brought the partially sunken port back to life , along with Caesarea 's above-ground wonders .

  12. 在古老的港口城市凯撒利亚,你可以穿梭于有一千年历史的罗马剧院、赛马场、宫殿、浴室和仓库的遗址。

    In Caesarea , an ancient port city , you can wander through the remains of a thousand-year-old Roman theater , horse racing tracks , palaces , bath houses and warehouses .

  13. 非斯都在他们那里,住了不过十天八天,就下凯撒利亚去。第二天坐堂,吩咐将保罗提上来。

    And when he had tarried among them more than ten days , he went down unto Caesarea ; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought .

  14. 耶稣和门徒出去,往凯撒利亚-腓立比的村庄去。在路上问门徒说,人说我是谁。

    And Jesus went out , and his disciples , into the towns of Caesarea Philippi : and by the way he asked his disciples , saying unto them , Whom do men say that I am ?