
  • 网络kmart;Kmart Corporation;K-MASTER
  1. 顾客可以在凯马特、老海军、BigLots等商家选购物品。

    Shoppers can cruise the aisles at Kmart , Old Navy and Big Lots .

  2. 在假日销售季,西尔斯(searsholdings)旗下的美国第三大连锁折扣店凯马特(kmart)开始在电视广告上宣传其分期预付服务。

    During the holiday season , Kmart , owned by Sears holdings and the third largest US discount chain , started drawing attention to its layaway service in television advertising .

  3. 但另外一家巨型连锁&凯马特(K-Mart),从未放弃这一服务,并且最近还将分期预付购物计划作为其欢乐季节广告的重点。

    But K-Mart , another huge chain , which never dropped the service , recently made layaway the centrepiece of its festive-season advertising .

  4. 史蒂芬妮:那我建议你去凯马特,或沃尔玛。

    STEPHANIE : Then I suggest you go to K-Mart or Wal-Mart .

  5. 比如沃尔玛和凯马特等大型零售商就提供支票兑现服务。

    Big retailers like Walmart and K-mart have cheque-cashing services , for instance .

  6. 我来到本地的凯马特百货商店,想要买晾衣绳和夹子。

    I went down to the local kmart and looked for a clothesline and clothespin .

  7. 大多数超市,像沃尔马特和凯马特以及药店,设有专门的取药柜台。

    Most of the supermarkets such as Walmart and Kmart and drug stores have a pharmacy counter .

  8. 这对凯马特就像是免费宣传,看看他们得到了多少媒体报道。

    It was like free publicity for Kmart , to see how many media hits they have received .

  9. 他的目标是这样写的:“20年后我就32岁了,我会在凯马特工作”。

    His goal reads : ' In 20 years I 'll be 32 years old and working in KMart ' .

  10. 例如,凯马特在实行允许其与沃尔玛竞争的企业战略是失败的。

    For example , Kmart was unsuccessful in implementing a business emphasis that would allow it to compete against Wal-Mart .

  11. 现实世界中,记者无法联系到西尔斯,请其就凯马特和西尔斯分期预付服务的使用模式置评。

    In the bricks-and-mortar world , Sears holdings was unavailable to comment on the usage patterns at the Kmart and Sears layaway programmes .

  12. 我不太确定厂家们是否还生产这些东西,不过我想如果他们还在生产的话,那么在凯马特百货商店里一定能买到。

    I wasn 't too sure they still made them , but I thought if they did they would surely have them at Kmart .

  13. 惠誉列出的问题是西尔斯和凯马特美国门店的增收增幅继续落后于其他零售商,营业利润率也滞后。

    The problem illuminated by Fitch is that domestic Sears and Kmart stores have continued to underperform other retailers on top line growth and operating margins have also lagged .

  14. 这就是为什么在经过爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛时,我开始露宿野外,住在廉价的凯马特帐篷里接受夜晚雨水的洗礼。

    That 's why I started camping , out in the wild , across Java and Sumatra , in a cheap Kmart tent and the rain that fell at night .

  15. 沃尔玛称今年已有1000件陌生人为购物者们买单的事情发生,同时凯马特称过去几年中“祝福者”支付的账款超过了150万美元。

    Walmart alone has noted 1000 cases where a stranger has paid off another 's bill this year , while KMart said over $ 1.5million had been spent by well-wishers in years past .