- 名cylinder head;lid of a jar

Application of Carbon Dioxide Weld in Mending Crack of Cylinder Cap
Ford Equipped with High-speed CNC cell for Machining Cylinder Heads and Blocks
Inference mode study in CAPP expert system for 5v cylinder head
Process Design for Engine Body of ACCORD Car
CFD Simulation of the Engine Coolant Flow in Cylinder Block and Head
CAPP Expert System for 5 - valve Cylinder Head
CFD Analysis for Cylinder Head Water Jacket in Separated Cooling Type Diesel Engine
Extraction of Non-Geometry Information for Product Feature Model in Engine Cylinder Head CAPP System
Double shaft servo feed system by PLC to control accurately and automatically feed of cylinder head and valve lift .
FEM Analysis of Tumbrel Internal-combustion Engine Cylinder Cover Based on Solidworks
Design of Mould for Compressor Cylinder Cover of Gas-pump in Lost Foam Casting Application of Carbon Dioxide Weld in Mending Crack of Cylinder Cap
The cylinder head water jacket of a high speed diesel engine is analyzed by using CFD technology .
Tom has machined the second cylinder head flat , and now the block is beginning to take on the " V " shape .
Quality Improvement of Cylinder Cover of FG Sand Bus in Low Die Casting
This paper presents a new approach on identifying cylinder pressure of internal combustion engine from the engine cylinder head vibration signals based on radial basis function ( RBF ) neural network .
NVH performance comparisons of engine covers using aluminum and magnesium cast alloys
The solid model and finite element models of cylinder head are given by means of the advanced CAD techniques , and convergence analysis of discrete errors of finite element model was also conducted .
Through reliability analysis , F3 is the best proposal operation requirement of current cylinder head .
Finally , the paper by analysis the step bar and engine cylinder head specimen variable energy scan imaging detection data to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the variable energy X-ray detection method .
Furthermore , the 3D flow fields of the cooling water in the chambers of the actual cylinder heads before and after the improvement were obtained by means of the computational fluid dynamic ( CFD ) software FIRE .
The produce capacity of the KW moulding line have achieved 1100 regular molds per day , and produce 25 thousand tons eligible castings per year ;
This monitoring device uses electric thermal couple as the head temperature sensor by finally actuating the LED displaying the measured results through cold-juncture compensation circuit , RC filter circuit , amplifier circuit and A / D convert .
Ccording the main stress cloud picture of the result that calculated in the ANSYS , analysis the stress of the bolts on different time within a working cycle of the engine , then access the strength according to the result .
In the end , the control strategy of VVA was applied in a 4V cylinder head and experimental results proved its good adaptability .
This paper introduces the design method of developing Windows based temperature measuring software in Visual C + + language for the cooling course of castings and the main function of the software . It was applied to measure cooling curves of castings of diesel block and cylinder head successfully .
Results show that better overall performance and machining property can be obtained for AlSi10Mg ( Cu ) five-valve cylinder head blank with Fe content of 0.45 % ~ 0.55 % .
Analysis to Malfunction of Cylinder Bolt of 276Q Engine
A new lateral casting process was introduced to produce YC6M cylinder head .
Inclined swirls of two cylinder heads of CA1102 engine were computed with these formulas .
Finally , this paper took a production line of5V engine cylinder head for example , and proposed a process to design prototype system , to improve the efficiency and accuracy of product line p.