
fǎn wèi
  • gastric disorder causing nausea;regurgitation;anabole;gastric disorder causing nausea (of food from stomach);nausea
反胃 [fǎn wèi]
  • [gastric disorder causing nausea (of food from stomach)] 病症名。指食下良久复出或隔宿吐出者。亦称胃反、翻胃

反胃[fǎn wèi]
  1. 这是我吃过的最让人反胃的东西。

    It was the most revolting thing I have ever tasted .

  2. 腐烂食物散发的臭味让人反胃。

    The stench from rotting food is stomach-churning .

  3. 做外科手术常常要求有真正的体力和很强的承受恶心反胃的能力。

    Surgery often demands actual physical strength , as well as the possession of a strong stomach .

  4. Max,以前我还得喝下牛奶,我现在我看到就反胃了。

    Well , Max , if I wasn 't lactose intolerant before , I am now .

  5. 有了它们,你就可以向那些令人反胃的小隔间说拜拜了。你还能享有一些私人空间,忙里偷闲的时候跑去YouTube视频网站逛逛。

    They allow you to bid goodbye to those dreadful cubicles , while still allowing for a bit of privacy when you sneak in that requisite YouTube trip .

  6. 《前来拜访的特权:新旧短篇小说集》(TheVisitingPrivilege:NewandCollectedStories),乔伊·威廉姆斯(JoyWilliams)著(Knopf出版社,30美元)。这些故事时间跨度将近50年,有着令人反胃的幽默感与扭曲的虚无主义。

    THE VISITING PRIVILEGE : New and Collected Stories . By Joy Williams . ( Knopf , $ 30 . ) These tales , spanning a period of nearly 50 years , are marked by queasy humor and a wry nihilism .

  7. 科尔的CFL症状正削弱他的身体,自2015年7月的第一次背部手术和2015年9月的第二次手术以来,他所遭受的严重头痛和反胃似乎还找不到原因。

    The CFL symptoms Kerr experiences are debilitating and there may be no answer for the severe headaches and nausea he has suffered since his first back procedure in July 2015 and his second in September 2015 .

  8. 可是刚吃过鸡蛋,她就反胃。

    But just lately eggs made her sick to her stomach .

  9. 这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃。

    This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics .

  10. 同时,可能会感觉到头晕眼花,或者反胃。

    People might also feel sick to their stomach and lightheaded .

  11. 巧克力是高脂肪食物,脂肪又会引起反胃。

    Chocolate is high in fat , and fat causes reflux .

  12. 油炸食品是最可能引起反胃的食品。

    Fried food is the single most recognized cause of reflux .

  13. 如果再反胃,就吃一片这种药。

    If the nausea returns , take one of these pills .

  14. 也许你做的让这个女孩回味的事情会让另一个反胃。

    What impresses one girl might make another roll her eyes .

  15. 黛比:我才不欣喜,只感到反胃。

    Debbie : well I 'm certainly not . it 's disgusting .

  16. 这种气味已经足够让我觉得反胃。

    The smell was enough to make my stomach chum .

  17. 这个菜味道很差,令我反胃。

    The meal was terrible and it turns my stomach .

  18. 我从不吃垃圾食品,我觉得他们令人反胃。

    I never have junk food . I think it 's revolting .

  19. 您不必研习令人反胃的单词列表。

    You don 't have to study awful vocabulary lists .

  20. 我越来越反胃了,我快吐了。

    I 'm getting so queasy . I 'm getting very queasy .

  21. 坐在丑男对面吃东西我会反胃的。

    My stomach gets upset eating across from ugly guys .

  22. 一些人会感到头晕,头晕,反胃?

    Some people feel light-headed , dizzy or sick to their stomachs .

  23. 血腥的巧合真让人反胃。

    Bloody coincidences are making me sick to my stomach .

  24. 每当我听到文化这个词就感到反胃。

    Whenever I hear the word culture I start to feel queasy .

  25. 她情绪暴躁,吃奇怪的东西恶心反胃。

    She 's been moody , eating weird food , getting nauseous .

  26. 巧克力还是高可可含量,可可也会引起反胃。

    Chocolate is also high in cocoa , and cocoa causes reflux .

  27. 烧伤病人常因反胃而液吸。

    Burned patients frequently aspirate after regurgitation of fluids .

  28. 使窒息,作呕使窒息、作呕或经受反胃的发作。

    To cause to choke , retch , or undergo a regurgitative spasm .

  29. 啤酒、白酒、葡萄酒都很容易引起反胃。

    Beer , liquor , and wine are believed to contribute to reflux .

  30. 但扎特莱尔斯政党中的自由意志者会感到反胃。

    But liberal-minded figures in the Zatlers party will be queasy about that .