
  • 网络polytropic process;variable process
  1. 理论分析了微喷管中理想气体多变过程的流动情况。

    The flow of ideal gas in polytropic process was theoretical studied in micro-nozzle , and the influences of polytropic exponent were also analyzed .

  2. 应用多变过程来分析斯特林循环性能。

    The polytropic processes are used for the performance analysis of Stirling cycle .

  3. 根据往复泵的理论循环指示图,分别建立了气体按等温过程和多变过程压缩和膨胀时,气液均相流往复泵有效功率与有效扬程的计算公式。

    On the assumption that two phase fluid of gas and liquid flows in uniform flow pattern , and that gas expands on the isothermal or polytropy process , theoretical cyclic indicating figure of the pump is drawn .

  4. 首先,通过对气体在喷管内实际流动过程进行分析,得出了该过程可以看做是一种多变过程的结论,并给予了解析说明。

    First , by doing the detailed analysis of the actual flow process in the nozzle , we can draw the conclusion that this process can be seen as a changeable process , and give the relevant proof .

  5. 通过数学推导,将多变过程建模与传热模型,第一定律建模联系起来,多变因子的取值可通过气动容腔中气体的质量交换、热交换及功交换计算获得。

    Through the mathematical reasoning , the polytropic processes model is connected with the heat transfer model and the first law . The value of the polytropic exponent can be obtained by the air mass , heat , and work exchanges of the pneumatic container .

  6. 急性肺损伤(acutelunginjury,ALI)是伴有严重呼吸功能障碍的一个复杂多变的过程。

    Acute lung injury ( ALI ) is a complicated process with severe respiratory dysfunction .

  7. 模糊参数PID压力控制器能够很好地适应给水工作压力多变的过程特点,选用Motorola公司的单片机可以简化电路设计,增强系统的抗干扰能力。

    Fuzzy parameter PID pressure controller can be well adapted to the vary of pump pressure . Single chip computer of Motorola can simplify the circuit design , enhance the system a-bility of anti-distrubance .

  8. 气力输送过程是一个复杂多变的过程,不单涉及到粉体技术,还和流体力学等有密切的关系。

    It is closely related to the powder technology and fluid mechanics .

  9. SOA具有敏捷性,松耦合,可重用性等特点,通过服务的协同和集成,可以将分布于不同平台上的服务组织起来,处理灵活多变的业务过程。

    SOA possesses the advantages such as agility , loose coupling , and reusability . Through the collaboration and integration of services , different platforms can be organized to handle flexible business processes .

  10. 在复杂多变的创业过程中,这部分创业者具有更坚定的信念。

    In the complicated and changeable entrepreneurial process , such kind of the entrepreneurs holds attic faith of venture .

  11. 主轴箱是组合机床的重要组成部分,其设计过程灵活多变且计算过程非常复杂。

    Spindle box is an important part of modular machine , the design process is flexible and the calculation is complex .

  12. 当今社会,现代工业面临严峻的挑战,复杂和多变的生产过程使传统的生产方法无法满足激烈竞争的社会环境。

    Nowadays , modern industries are facing severe challenges , that complex and changeable processes make the traditional methods of production cannot meet the highly competitive social environment .

  13. 江苏滨海盐土向潮土演化过程中,水溶性F~-含量经历了由少变多,再由多变少的过程。

    Water-soluble F ~ - in coastal saline soil of Jiangsu Province changed firstly from low to high content , then from high to low during desalinization process of the soil .

  14. 线性的教学设计在具体实施过程中难以适应复杂多变的教学过程,也不利于差异化教学的实施。

    The linear instructional design in specific implementation process is difficult to adapt to the complex and changeable teaching process , also has lots of disadvantages for the implementation of differentiation teaching .

  15. 非线性系统存在于大部分的自然和社会现象中,其丰富多样的运动模式和复杂多变的运动过程对于我们认识客观世界发挥着重大作用。

    Nonlinear systems exist in most of the natural and social phenomena , its rich variety of complex movement patterns and process play a significant role on our understanding of the objective world .

  16. 但由于受到社会政治、经济、意识形态等各种因素的影响,新中国的科技发展战略走过了一段曲折、坎坷、多变的历史过程。

    However , due to social , political , economic , ideological factors , the development strategy for science and technology about the people ' republic of China has gone through the winding , bumpy , changing historical processes .

  17. 背景:缺血性脑卒中作为临床危、急、重病之一,发病既有其慢性复杂的病理基础,又有其凶险多变的急性演变过程,且其发病率和死亡率均随年龄增加而增高。

    Background : Ischemic stroke is one of the dangerous , emergent serious diseases in clinic , its episode has not only complex pathological basis , but also dangerous , various and acute procedure , and its morbidity and mortality increase with age growing old .