
The relations between the number of the modes involved modes coupling and the plasma densities or the magnetic field intensities are discussed .
According to Dirac 's relativistic quantum mechanics , this , paper analysed the behaviors of magnetic field in normal Zeeman effect ( PaschenBack effect ) and anomalous Zeeman effect and gived the calculating formula of critical value of magnetic field .
The numerical results show that the magneto-coupling brings about not only quantization of localized electron levels but also the degree of the strong dependence of the localized levels on Landau indices and magnetic fields , especially for the localized levels in higher energy region .
It is found that the pattern of clusters and their fractal dimensions depend strongly on the magnetic field which is presented by a rotation velocity of the diffusing particles ω in the model .
Though , using Passive Secondary Emission technology can enhance the induction magnetic field effectively , and the intensity of magenetic field can be controlled easily according to the requirement .
The images display the appearance of flux tubes instead of flux lines , in which the direction along the tube length coincides with that of the magnetic field , while the tube width is inversely proportional to the flux density .
By comparing with the flow distributions when different intensity of magnetic induction , the effect of Hartmann on the distributions of velocity is shown clearly .
This method uses magnetic excitation to induce eddy currents inside the brain matter and measures the magnetic field caused by the induced eddy current .