
  • 网络chinese management model
  1. 中国管理模式已成为学者与企业经理人积极探讨的焦点。

    Chinese management patten has become the focus that the scholars and business managers actively explore .

  2. 当代中国行政管理模式发展取向研究

    The Study about the Orientation of Administrative Pattern in Contemporary China

  3. 第一部分是当代中国行政管理模式的沿革。

    The first part is the history of administrative pattern in contemporary China .

  4. 全球化与中国公共管理模式的重构

    Globalization and the Rebuilding of Public Management in China

  5. 中国社区管理模式创新初探

    Preliminary Exploration on Model Innovation of Chinese Community Management

  6. 中国图书馆管理模式的考量与选择

    Reflection and Selection of Chinese Library Management Pattern

  7. 文化与管理&谈学习型组织与中国企业管理模式发展方向

    Culture and Administration - Learning Type Organization and Development Direction of China Enterprise Administration Mode

  8. 中国式管理模式的建立。

    The guiding power from the morality , The building of the Chinese management model should develop and utilize these cultural power effectively .

  9. 奠定传统治道基础的《论语》,对中国政治管理模式影响至深。

    The analects , which is the origin of traditional Chinese thoughts on governance , exerts a profound influence on China 's political governing pattern .

  10. 但是,企业文化理论毕竟是舶来品,如何使企业文化在与中国传统管理模式相融合,并健康发展,是我国企业面临的重要挑战。

    However , the theory of corporate culture it is exotic after all , how to make the enterprise culture in China and the traditional management mode of integration , and healthy development , is our country enterprise faces the important challenge .

  11. 学术界应重视此领域的理论研究和其对经济体制改革的现实意义,以促进与高速发展的经济配套的中国公共管理模式的建立。

    In the academic circles , great attention should be paid to the theoretical research in this area and its practical significance for the system reform of economy so as to promote the establishment of our Chinese model of public ad ministration to fit the rapidly developing economy .

  12. 21世纪中国建筑业管理模式的总体构思

    General composition of construction industry 's management model in the 21st century

  13. 当代中国国际危机管理模式选择研究

    The Study on the Model of Contemporary International Crises Management of China

  14. 中国旅游饭店管理模式研究

    The Study of the Management Pattern of the Tourist Hotel in China

  15. 中国民间组织管理模式转型&法团主义的视角

    Administration Model Transition of NGOs in China : In View of Corporatism

  16. 中国国有资产管理模式研究

    Research in China 's State-owned Asset Operate and Management Pattern

  17. 对中国企业特色管理模式的探讨

    Discussion on enterprise management patterns with China 's features

  18. 当代中国家族企业管理模式的伦理审视

    An Ethical Investigation of the Administration Mode of Contemporary Family Business in China

  19. 中国高校传统管理模式分析

    Analysis of traditional administration pattern of higher education

  20. 洪水风险管理研究进展与中国洪水风险管理模式初步探讨

    Advances in flood risk management study and the primary research on flood risk management models in China

  21. 对它应批判地继承,使之为建立中国化的管理模式服务。

    It should be critically inherited , so as to serve for the establishment of Chinese management mode .

  22. 中国环境管理思想模式的重大变革&ISO14000系列标准与清洁生产

    Great changes in mode of thought of China 's environmental management : ISO 14000 system and cleaner production

  23. 最后根据农业科学研究的行业特点提出了中国农业知识管理模式选择的建议。

    At last , the paper put forward some recommendation for the selection of agricultural knowledge management model in China .

  24. 总结出以登记管理、运行管理、组织管理等为主线的中国兽医协会管理模式。

    Management pattern of China Veterinary Association is concluded , including principally registration management , operation management and organization management .

  25. 中国民营企业管理模式的制度变迁&从家族制管理向现代企业制度管理过渡

    The Institutional Changes in the Management Models of the Chinese Private Companies & he Transition from Family Management to Modern-enterprise-system Management

  26. 其次,社区管理模式完全不同于改革开放前中国城市管理的模式。

    Second , community administration now is totally other than city government in China before the reform and opening to the outside world .

  27. 文章第五部分从法律、提高资源利用率、人力物力投入、信息共享等方面对中国食物安全管理模式提出优化建议。

    In Chapter 5 the author put forward some suggestions to perfect our food safety management from laws , natural resources , investment , information share mechanism and so on .

  28. 中国铁路物资集团管理模式研究

    Study on Management Mode of China Railway Supplies and Procurement Group

  29. 中国企业投资企业管理模式的创新趋势

    The Innovative Tendency of Management Mode in Chinese Venture Capital Enterprises

  30. 中国企业孵化器管理模式研究

    The Study on the Management Model of Business Incubator in China