
jiàn jiē sǔn hài
  • Indirect damage;remoteness of damage;remote damage
  1. 侵权法基本原理认为,对于间接损害,除法律另有规定或当事人另有约定以外,行为人一般不承担民事责任。

    One of the principles of tort law is that except for special regulations of the law and agreements of the party concerned , the remote damage can not be compensated .

  2. 如果已经看到这个链接,就可以分配适当的时间和资源来降低dao包中的间接损害。

    Having seen the link , you can allocate the appropriate time or resources to mitigate any collateral damage that occurs in the dao package .

  3. USL将不对抵押,特别或者间接损害负责。

    In no event shall USL be liable for collateral , special or consequential damages .

  4. 说明高能冲击波可直接或通过肾盂内压力增高间接损害肾小球和肾小管。

    ESWL may injure the glomerule and tubules by direct or indirect action .

  5. 代表人对第三人侵权损害赔偿责任的范围包括直接损害和间接损害。

    Representatives to the third party infringement damages include direct damages and consequential damages .

  6. 我可以最大程度减少间接损害

    I can minimize the collateral damage .

  7. 行政赔偿损害范围应包括政治权利、间接损害、精神损害等。

    Spirit damage and so on .

  8. 采动间接损害分析

    The indirect damage analysis by mining

  9. 这些都是相当大的间接损害,而它们还仅仅是财务上的损失。

    That is a fair amount of collateral damage . And these are just the financial drawbacks .

  10. 类似地,不稳定的包依赖性会在发生更改时增大架构内发生间接损害的风险。

    Similarly , unstable package dependencies increase the risk of collateral damage within your architecture during times of change .

  11. 对第三人的惊吓损害,其在性质上应被看作直接损害,而不是间接损害。

    In essence , this sort of damage is deemed to be direct damage not to be indirect damage .

  12. 对于制定规范性文件产生的损害、精神损害、间接损害,受害人都应该有权获得赔偿。

    Someone suffering from the regulated papers , spirit damage or indirect damage should have right to get compensation .

  13. 从损害事故所直接波及的受害者来考虑,受害人精神打击所导致的非财产损害性质上为间接损害,无法获得侵权法的保护;

    So the non-pecuniary damage of indirectly injured person caused by nervous shock can not be protected by tort law .

  14. 事实上,一位妻子可能为她丈夫带来严重间接损害的方式,不是她的缺席,而是她的出席。

    Indeed , the main collateral damage that a wife can inflict on her husband is not by her absence but by her presence .

  15. 通过对因果关系和合理预见两个条件的分析,探讨了船舶碰撞中间接损害的赔偿责任问题。

    This paper makes a research to the compensation liability of indirect damages in vessel collisions on analyzing the two conditions of causality and reasonable predict .

  16. 另一种是对金融安排的信任崩溃所造成的间接损害,其原因包括危机,普遍存在的欺骗,或两者皆有。

    Another is indirect damage that results from a breakdown in trust in a financial arrangements , due to crises , pervasive duping , or both .

  17. 所以应合理扩大行政赔偿的范围,将公有公共设施引起的损害、精神损害及间接损害等纳入我国行政赔偿范围。

    The scope of administration compensation should be extended appropriately , spiritual damages , indirect damages and damages caused by public installations should be included in the compensation scope .

  18. 一些州不允许限制暗示的保证的有效期,一些州不允许排除或限制伴随事故或间接损害。

    Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts , and some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages .

  19. 商会表示,为了降低投资风险,避免对所在国家造成直接或间接损害,海外企业应对这些问题予以考虑。

    Overseas companies need to take such issues into account to reduce their investment risks and avoid directly or indirectly harming the countries in which they work , the group said .

  20. 第三部分:由于董事对公司债权人的间接损害,往往是公司财产进入非正常状态无法清偿公司债务时造成的。

    Chapter 3 : The creditor 's damage , which is indirectly caused by director , always happens in the abnormal situation of company property being not able to pay off the debts .

  21. 与之相应,我国行政补偿的损害范围不仅应包括直接损害,而且还应包括间接损害;不仅应包括物质性损害,还应包括精神性损害。

    The damage scope of the administration compensation in our country should include not only the direct damage , but also the indirect damage ; not only the material damage , but also the spiritual damage .

  22. 这种行为不仅直接侵害同业竞争者公平交易的权利,破坏竞争的基本原则和正常的市场竞争秩序,还间接损害广大消费者的合法利益。

    This action not only directly violate the competitors ' fair trading right of the same sectors , undermine the fundamental principles of competition and market competition order , but also indirectly harm the legitimate interests of consumers .

  23. 尝试基因编辑还导致出现DNA突变,对胚胎细胞造成了间接的损害。

    And speckled over their DNA was a sort of collateral damage – DNA mutations caused by the editing attempt .

  24. 律师侵权责任中的损害事实应包括间接财产损害和非财产损害。第三部分探讨了律师民事责任的风险防范制度。

    Damages of tortuous liability include indirect damage and non-property damage . Part ⅲ discusses the risk-preventing system of lawyering .

  25. 直接物质损害的国家赔偿问题争议不大,但关于间接物质损害赔偿则分歧明显。

    Although the controversy in direct compensation for material damages , the differences in the indirect compensation for material damages are distinct .

  26. 有些州不允许这些排除或限制伴随的和间接的损害赔偿,责,这些限制可能不适用于这些州。

    Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages so these limitations may not apply to you .

  27. 作者对于因数据丢失或其它原因造成的任何特别,意外,必然或间接的损害不承担责任。

    The author will not be liable for any special , incidental , consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason .

  28. 对于利润损失、延误、商誉损害或任何特别或间接的损害赔偿,不论任何原因引起的,卖方概不承担责任。

    In no event shall the Seller be liable for lost profits , delay , injury to goodwill or any special or consequential damages howsoever any of the same are caused .

  29. 当前媒介组织危机公关中多采取保持沉默的态度,采用冷处理的手段,或者利用不对等的沟通方式等。这些被动消极的危机公关直接或间接的损害了媒介组织形象及公信力。

    They just keep silent ; use the cold treatment means or the unequal way of communication , etc. These negative behaviors will damage the image and credibility directly or indirectly .

  30. 间接受害人精神损害赔偿制度的立法思考

    Thinking on the Legislation System of Indirect Victims Spirit Damages Compensation