
  • 网络TAL;LAL
  1. 目的:对刺五加注射液进行细菌内毒素检查。方法:鲎试剂法。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the bacterial endotoxins test of Radix acanthopanacis senticosi injection METHODS : TAL method was test .

  2. 结果样品经稀释后可消除对鲎试剂的干扰作用,3批样品中细菌内毒素的量均低于50EU/ml。

    RESULTS : The interference of the dilute ~ ( 131 )ⅰ - epidepride injection on TAL can be eliminated after dilution , the bacterial endotoxin levels for 3 batches of 131 ⅰ - epidepride injection were all below 50EU / ml.

  3. 鲎试剂法定量检测PVC一次性输液(血)器材中内毒素浓度

    Quantitative Determination of Endotoxin Concentration in PVC Disposable Transfusion Set by Limulus Test

  4. 结果:纯化的LPS用紫外/可见光分光光度计扫描,呈单一吸收峰,并能被鲎试剂特异检出。

    Results : Single peak of LPS is obtained using Violet spectrophotometer and LPS can be detected by limulus reagents .

  5. 采用鲎试剂法测血浆LPS浓度;鲎试剂在抗淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白热原检测中的应用

    The LPS concentration of plasma was detected by limulus lysate test . Application of Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate Reagent to Estimating Pyrogen in Antilymphocyte Immunoglobulin

  6. 方法:采用鲎试剂基质显色法定量测定内毒素,用放射免疫法测定ET,常规生化法测定血肌酐,同时留24小时尿液测定尿肌酐与尿钠。

    METHODS : The plasma endotoxin , endothelin , creatinine , and 24 hours urine creatinine and sodium were measured by Limulus test method , radioimmunological method and biochemical analysis , respectively .

  7. mL-1的溶液后,可用灵敏度为0.25EU.mL-1的鲎试剂进行检测。

    The limulus amebocyte lysate reagent with the sensitivity of 0.25 EU · mL-1 could be used in the test .

  8. 结果:盐酸洛美沙星葡萄糖注射液对鲎试剂的凝集反应有干扰作用,调节药液pH值至68~72可消除干扰,用灵敏度为025EU/ml的鲎试剂可进行细菌内毒素检查。

    RESULTS : Lomefloxacin and glucose injection could interfere with limulus test , however , the interference could be eliminated after adjusting the pH of injection to 6.8 ~ 7.0.The proper concentration of limulus test agent of bacterial endotoxin test was 0.25EU/ml .

  9. 结果:SAGM红细胞保存液经2倍稀释后对鲎试剂反应无干扰作用。

    RESULTS : There was no interference action of twofold diluted SAGM fluid on limulus test .

  10. 采用鲎试剂凝胶法检测人参提取物和人参皂甙Rb1中的内毒素含量。结果表明人参提取物和人参皂甙Rb1对凝胶法检测内毒素无干扰作用,内毒素含最小于0.5EU/ml。

    The results indicated that ginseng extract and ginsenoside Rbl did not interfere with amebocyte lysate assay and the concentration of endotoxin was less than 0.5EU/ml in the ginsenosides .

  11. 方法:将3批样品用两个不同厂家生产的鲎试剂,按《中国药典》2000年版二部附录E方法进行干扰试验考察。

    Method : The interference test of 3 batches of Buflomedil Hydrochloride Sodium Chloride Injection with 2 kinds of limulus test agent was done according to the method in appendix of China Pharmacopoeia ( Volume ⅱ Appendix ⅺ E , 2000 edition ) .

  12. 结果表明用鲎试剂灵敏度(λ)0.5EU/ml相对应的有效浓度进行试验,有蛋氨酸等11种氨基酸无干扰作用。

    P. ( Chinese Pharmacopeia ) 1995 , and other reference , Using concentration of sample solution vs to the sensitivity of LAL reagent is 0 . 5EU / ml , results shows that eleven individual amino acids have no interference .

  13. 方法:按《中国药典》(二部)2000年版规定,用不同厂家生产的鲎试剂(TAL)对SAGM红细胞保存液进行细菌内毒素检查法干扰试验。

    METHODS : Interference test was carried on endotoxin detection of SAGM erythrocyte preserve fluid with test agent of limulus ( TAL ) .

  14. 结果:样品采用灵敏度0.125EU·ml-1的鲎试剂经干扰实验无增强抑制作用。

    Result ; Using limulus amebocyte lysate ( LAL ) with the sensitivity of 0 . 125 EU · ML-1 for interfere factors test , there was no inhibition or enhancement action .

  15. 采用灵敏度为0.5EU/ml的鲎试剂可进行细菌内毒素检查。【结论】细菌内毒素法适用于注射用奥扎格雷钠的热原检查。

    【 Conclusion 】 The method of bacterial endotoxin is suitable for the pyrogen determination of ozagrel sodium .

  16. 强电离放电等离子体洗消沙林模拟剂DMMP试验方法采用2个厂家的鲎试剂对盐酸克林霉素注射液进行干扰试验。

    Experiments of sarin simulant DMMP decontamination by strong ionization discharging plasma METHODS The interfering action of Clindamycin Hydrochloride Injection and limulus lysate agent from two manufacturers were investigated .

  17. 结论:在1:12的稀释度下,可用灵敏度为0.25EU·mL的鲎试剂进行细菌内毒素检查,从而控制细菌内毒素的限量。

    Conclusion : The bacterial endotoxin test can be carried out with 0.25 EU · mL sensitivity of TAL when the dilutability of sample 1:12 , the limit dose of bacterial endotoxin is controlled thereby .

  18. 结论:替硝唑葡萄糖注射液稀释到0.5mg·ml~(1)即可消除其对鲎试剂的干扰,可用于常规检验。

    Conclusion : The TGI diluted into 0.5 mg · ml-1 may eliminate its obstruction to TAL reagent , and may be used in routine test .

  19. 结果葛根素注射液稀释到2.083g·L-1浓度1→24后可消除对鲎试剂的干扰,用灵敏度为0.25EU·ml-1的鲎试剂检测内毒素是有效的,并与家兔法的结果一致。

    It was effective that endotoxins were tested by amebocyte lysate agent with the sensitivity of 0.25 EU · ml ~ - 1 , and was consistent with rabbit method .

  20. 方法:鲎试剂检测原料、半成品、成品,灵敏度0.25EU·ml~(-1)。

    METHOD : Tachypleus reagent was used to examine raw material , half product and product . The sensitivity is 0.25 EU per centimeter .

  21. 目的研究鲎试剂法与家兔法检测重组人干扰素α2b内毒素结果的相关性,并参照家兔热原试验的阈值量,来确定本制品质量标准中内毒素的限量标准。

    Objective To study the relationship between the determination results of bacterial endotoxin by limulus test and rabbit test , and to determine the limit of bacterial endotoxin content in the product according to the threshold value defined in pyrogen test in rabbits .

  22. 结果:对于小牛血去蛋白提取物注射液(原液),可用标示灵敏度为0.5EU/mL的鲎试剂进行细菌内毒素检查。

    Results : Deproteinized calf blood extractive injection was assayed by tachypleus amebocyte lysate labeled the sensitivity of 0.5 EU / mL for endotoxin .

  23. 结果眼镜蛇毒与0.5EU/ml鲎试剂产生凝集反应的浓度在5.0μg/ml以上;

    Results The concentration for cobratoxin to produce agglutination reaction is above 5.0 μ g / ml in action with 0.5EU/ml 1 limulus reagent .

  24. 结论对甘油氯化钠注射液进行2倍稀释以0.5EU/ml的鲎试剂检查其热原是可行的。

    [ WTHZ ] Conclusion Compound glycerin injection in 2-fold dilution applied in 0.5 EU / ml limulus reagent in detection of its pyrogen is feasible .

  25. 结果发现三批鲎试剂的灵敏度标示值均正确,五批抗淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白半成品在最大有效稀释度(MVD)时对试验无干扰,这两种方法测定结果的符合率达到91.7%。

    The result showed that the labeled values of three LAL reagent sensitivity were right and there was no interference to the test in five ALG diluted to Maximum Valid Dilution ( MVD ) . The coincidence rate of two tests was 91.7 % . all effective .

  26. 结果:复方利多卡因注射液对鲎试剂的凝集反应无干扰作用,用灵敏度0.5EU/ml的鲎试剂检查细菌内毒素的方法可行有效。

    Results : The test using limulus agent with a sensitivity of 0.5 Eu / m showed that the reaction was not interfered by compound lidocaine injection .

  27. 结果:将新鱼腥草素钠注射液稀释30倍,用标示灵敏度为0.5EU·ml-1的鲎试剂进行细菌内毒素检查是有效的。

    Result : The experiment showed that the interference elements could be excluded by diluting sodium new houttuyfonate injection to 30 times , and it was effective that the bacterial endotoxins could be tested by amebocyte lysate with accuracy of 0.5 EU / ml.

  28. 方法:参考《中国药典》2000年版附录细菌内毒素检查法。结果:FuDR注射液60倍稀释液可用灵敏度05EU/ml鲎试剂做细菌内毒素检查。

    METHODS : To refer to BET in appendix of China Pharmacopoeia , edition 2000 . RESULTS : Bacterial endotoxin could be detected in 60 times dilution of FuDR injection by limulus lysate with a sensitivity of 0.5EU/ml .

  29. 结果确定生脉注射液细菌内毒素限值为3.75EU/mL,最佳检测条件为供试品稀释10倍,特异性鲎试剂灵敏度为0.25EU/mL。

    RESULTS The bacterial endotoxins limit value of Shengmai injection was 3.75EU/mL and the experiment showed that the interference elements could be excluded by diluting Shengmai injection 10 times .

  30. 目的:探讨用中国的细菌内毒素工作标准品(CSE)和鲎试剂(TAL)替代美国的细菌内毒素参考标准品(RSE)和鲎试剂(LAL)来检测硫酸链霉素的细菌内毒素的可行性。

    Objective : To discuss the feasibility of using Chinese control standard endotoxin ( CSE ) and Tachypleus Amoebocyte Lysate ( TAL ) to substitute the USP Reference Standard Endotoxin ( RSE ) and Limulus Amebocyte Lysate ( LAL ) on the bacterial endotoxins test for streptomycin sulfate .
