
  • 网络Interval;Interval training;interval run
  1. 200m左右重复跑和快间歇跑是发展男子400m跑项目无氧供能的最佳手段之一。

    Repetition run and fast interval of 200 metres are the best methods improving men 's 400 metre run non-aerobic energy supply .

  2. 在间歇跑之间,给您自己相同的休息时间。

    Give yourself equal rest between each interval .

  3. “如果我让Ryan练习短距离高强度间歇跑,他在疲劳后需要一二天恢复时间”,Mahon说。

    " If I give short , hard intervals for Ryan , he fatigues and it takes a couple days to recover ," says Mahon .

  4. 大强度间歇跑台运动对大鼠长骨生长的影响

    Effects of high-intensity intermittent running on long bone growth of rats

  5. 标准速度间歇跑在中长跑训练中的运用

    The Application of the Regular Standard-speed Running in the Training of Middle-distance and Long-distance Runners

  6. 而专项耐力的训练方法则主要是由长翼项距离和比赛距离的重复跑和间歇跑等要素构成。

    The training method of specific endurance consists of repeat and interval running with long distance and match-like distance .

  7. 要合理使用快慢间歇跑、不规律变速跑、加速跑等方法。

    The rational use of speed interval run , not the law of varied pace , buildup and other methods .

  8. 他建议为了增强意志力,间歇跑,坡道重复跑,和乳酸门槛跑,至少每周一次。

    He recommends intervals , hill repetitions , and tempo runs at least once a week to build your mental muscle .

  9. 模拟比赛环境:如果您想在马路上跑得快,跳出跑道,到马路上去跑您的间歇跑。

    If you want to run fast on the roads , skip the track and do your interval workouts on the roads .

  10. 如果每一步呼吸一次,您已经进入间歇跑配速,必须减速。

    If you 're breathing in and out with each stride , you 've crossed into interval pace , so slow it down .

  11. 相比间歇跑和只是重复跑,此法和其他训练方式相结合,会产生很好的训练效果,并且减少运动伤害。

    Combining other methods of training with fartlek usually provides effective results and fewer injuries compared to running just interval or just repetition running .

  12. 耐力的训练结构主要是由长距离和比赛距离的重复跑和间歇跑构成。

    The endurance training of the structure is mainly run by the long distance and the competition distance repetition with the intermittence runs and so on the constitution .

  13. 方法采用持续跑、间歇跑进行为期12周的耐力训练,测量训练前后运动和静息状态血压的变化。

    Methods After 12 weeks ' endurance training including continuous running and intermittent running , we measure the blood pressure of soldiers in exercise or resting state at the beginning and ending of experiment .

  14. 但是,在一系列艰苦的户外游泳课程、快速间歇跑和更长更慢的跑步课程,以及骑车大约800英里穿越伦敦南部和威尔士北部之后,我在差强人意的时间内完成了比赛。

    But following a combination of arduous outdoor swim sessions , fast " interval " runs and longer , slower sessions , and roughly 800 miles of cycling through south London and north Wales , I completed the race in a reasonable time .

  15. 别忘了间歇训练的热身跑和冷身跑。

    Don 't forget to warm up and cool down for intervals .