
  • 网络Nitrogen fixation;fixation of nitrogen
  1. 氮的固定是由无氧环境的根瘤中的根瘤菌完成的。

    Nitrogen fixation is carried out by the rhizobia in the anaerobic environment of the nodule .

  2. 对于把氮肥施在植物残体覆盖层以下是否会减少氮的固定,这个问题目前尚不清楚。

    Whether placement of nitrogen fertilizer below the layer of crop residue will reduce nitrogen immobilization is not clear .

  3. 铁对藻生长的生态学效应主要表现在对藻类的叶绿素a的生物合成、藻细胞的分裂,以及碳和氮的固定作用的影响。

    And ( 3 ) The ecological effect of Fe on algae growth was mainly expressed in influencing chlorophyll a synthetic rate , algae cellular division potential as well as C and N fixation rate .

  4. 人工植被相对于天然植被对总氮的固定作用更为明显,而对总磷的固定作用劣于天然植被。最后,对植被恢复提高土壤肥力的机理和不同植被对土壤肥力的恢复效应进行了探讨。

    The fixation effect of total N in artificial vegetation was more obvious than that in natural vegetation , but it was converse on the fixation effect of total P. The mechanism of vegetative restoration heightening soil fertility and the restoration effect of soil fertility in different vegetation were discussed .

  5. 土壤无机氮的生物固定对减少N素损失,提高N肥利用效率和保护环境具有积极的作用。

    The biologic fixation of soil inorganic nitrogen also plays positive roles in decreasing lose of nitrogen , increasing efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer and protecting environment .

  6. 以海藻酸钙包埋脱氮硫杆菌制成的固定化微生物颗粒填充生物固定床,用以净化低浓度H2S废气。

    Thiobacillus denitrificans was immobilized with Ca-alginate to produce pellet packing materials for a packed column biological fixed bed that controls hydrogen sulfide emission .

  7. 有机物料与硝态氮的交互作用大,而与铵态氮的交互作用小,前者是后者的2.7倍,这种差异与微生物对两种形态氮的固定不同有关。

    Different organic materials had different impacts on soil microbial biomass nitrogen . The interaction between organic material and nitrate was larger than that between organic material and ammonium , the former was as much as 2.7 times of the latter .