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  • You;near
  • 近:~来(近来)。遐~闻名(形容名声大,“遐迩”,即“远近”)。~言(浅显说话)。


[书] (近) near:

  • 遐迩闻名

    be well-known far and near; have wide fame

  1. 只想我们能开心的拥抱着,让别人羡慕着,老婆,我爱迩!

    Think we can be happy and hug and let the others envy , my wife , I love near !

  2. HELP(害迩匍)在温室白粉虱等害虫化学治理中的增效作用

    Synergism of help in the chemical control of greenhouse whitefly and other insect pests

  3. 我是迩想不到的无关痛痒。

    You are feeling helpless which I could not guess correctly .

  4. 迩成全我的心碎、拼成永世爱迩的碑。

    You help me brokenhearted , spells always loves your tablet .

  5. 贝迩成果汇编初稿完成。

    The first draft of bell pilot course collection has been finished .

  6. 我要用所有美好的一切,换走迩伤心的泪水。非主流个性签名。

    I must use all happy all , trades your sad tears .

  7. 脑子一片空白,想象不出迩给的爱。

    The brain a blank , you can 't imagine to love .

  8. 我就是这样任性,迩爱要不要。

    I be so capricious , you don 't love .

  9. 你的意思是苏州园林闻名暇迩?

    You mean be gardens there are widely reputed ?

  10. 眼泪是迩邮寄给莪旳礼物,地址是不怎样幸福。

    Tears are mailed to me the gift green , address is not how happiness .

  11. 冬天有迩不寂寞。

    Do not you lonely winter .

  12. 那些人又来找迩了,我说了英文但是他们罘懂。

    Those people eto you agin . I said English but they don 't understand it .

  13. 非洲南部体形纤弱的原始人;大约三百万年前;以前的迩人。

    Gracile hominid of southern Africa ; from about 3 million years ago ; formerly Plesianthropus_transvaalensis .

  14. 莪无法忘却迩旳笑容,更无法挣脱记忆旳纠缠。

    I can 't forget the green smile , more can 't break free memory the struggle .

  15. 记得前天,迩亲手给我做疍炒饭,很开心,很开心。

    Remember the day before yesterday , you do to me personally Danchaofan , Happy , Very happy .

  16. 任时光匆匆过去,涐只记得最后旳迩和最初旳自己。

    As time in a hurry in the past , E only remember the last green and the first .

  17. 迩来,他病倒了,除了躺在病院病床上,甚么也不能做。

    Though he has a lot of money , he can do nothing but lie in the hospital 's bed .

  18. 本文较详细地讨论了迈克迩干涉仪在各种不同条件下产生的干涉条纹的性质及干涉花样。

    The nature of the interference fringe and the interference pattern of michelson interferometer under different conditions are discussed in detail .

  19. 政府迩来年夜力年夜举增强对食物安定的监管,经过议定国家媒体曝光和剔除违反食物安定的企业和个体。

    The government has recently ramped up efforts to tighten regulations and root out food safety violators in a state-backed media campaign .

  20. 派迩文化传播拥有一支由从事婚纱人像、时尚、服装摄影及设计、礼仪策划和代理领域的杰出人才及艺术精英组成的优秀团队。

    Pair Culture Communication contains a team of professional photographers undertake many types of product photography , and specializing particularly in wedding photography .

  21. 有没有这么一个人,迩无数次说的要抛却,但终究仍是舍不得。

    Is there such a person , you say to forget the countless times , but they still are loathe to give up .

  22. 北京东方道迩信息技术有限公司是一家高科技企业,在国内和海外有多家分支机构。

    Beijing Eastdawn Information Technology Inc ( EDIT ) is a Chinese based leading Geospatial company that specializes in full range of geospatial data processing .

  23. 咖啡凡是都不被看作一种安康饮料,可是迩来一些研讨标明咖啡可能是一种非常有益的饮料。

    Coffee is not usually thought of as health food , but a number of recent studies suggest that it can be a highly beneficial drink .

  24. 我想做迩的小妻子,再为迩生个小孩子,然后我们这一家子,幸福的过完这辈子。

    I want to do you little wife , again for you to give birth to a child , and then we this family , happy after this life .

  25. 《洛丽塔》则是作家个人艺术风格的集中体现,也是后现代主义文学名闻退迩的经典。

    While Lolita is the novel that demonstrates the great writer 's artistic style more than any novel else , and therefore is considered a masterpiece of post-modernist literature .

  26. 当它作为宗法制度的组成部分时,它通过祭祖权的有无来达到甄别亲疏远迩的。

    When as part of patriarchal system it , from the right of offering a sacrifice to an ancestor we can distinguish peoples of the same clan who is intimate and distantly .

  27. 虽然参观自由女神像的游客人数在过去8年中有所削减,但迩来又涌现上升趋向。自由女神像是1886年法国送给美国的礼品。

    While the number of visitors to Lady Liberty , which the United States received as a gift from France in1886 , has fallen in the past eight years , numbers are rising again .