
  1. 开平市学生儿童HBV感染状况调查分析

    Analysis of HBV Infection Status of Students in Kaiping City

  2. 开平三埠口岸应对甲型H1N1流感的防控措施

    The Countermeasures of Prevention and Control the the Type A H1N1 Flu at Sanbu Ports in Kaiping

  3. 目的2003年5月SARS流行期间,开平市一镇某小学出现学生群体性发热病例,为摸清发病原因,迅速排查SARS,控制疫情及评价防治措施效果,我们对该校进行详细流行病学调查处理。

    Objectives During the pandemic period of SARS in May 2003 , a large group of students had fever in a primary school in Kaiping . We aimed to investigate the situation and quickly eliminate the possibility of SARS , and to evaluate the control measures .

  4. 开平煤矿与唐山城市的崛起

    On the Kaiping coal mine and the development of Tangshan City

  5. 开平市华支睾吸虫病调查与防治研究

    Survey and Control Measures on Clonorchis sinensis in Kaiping City

  6. 目的了解开平市水口镇人体华支睾吸虫感染状况。

    Objective To survey the Clonorchis sinensis infection status in Shuikou Town .

  7. 开平案与反腐现实

    Kaiping law case and the reality of anti - corruption

  8. 河北省开平煤田煤层气成藏条件浅析

    Elementary Analysis of CBM Reservoir-Forming Conditions in Kaiping Coal Basin in Hebei Province

  9. 首钢开平矫直船板切割变形和焊接变形的分析

    Analysis for Cutting and Welding Deformations of Shougang Uncoiling and Straightening Ship Plate

  10. 开平县地方地震工作网络的组织与实践

    The organized system and the practice of local seismic work at Kaiping County

  11. 浅谈开平市防洪规划

    Brief introduction of flood control planning in Kaiping City

  12. 开平煤田构造发育规律对煤层赋存的影响

    Tectonic Development Pattern and Its Impact on Coal Seam Hosting in Kaiping Coalfield

  13. 开平碉楼与村落,已经走进了全人类的文化视野。

    Kaiping Diaolou and villages have stepped into the cultural vision of the world .

  14. 我们有一条开平生产线、一套离子切割、水切割及激光切割设备。

    One cut-to-length line , one plasma , water jet and laser cutting machine .

  15. 2002年开平市肠道寄生虫感染状况调查

    Survey on Intestinal Parasitic Infection in Kaiping City

  16. 广东开平、博罗农村老年人生活质量调查

    The Survey of Quality of Life among Aging Population in the Rural Areas of Guangdong

  17. 八国联军进入中国时,沙俄军队占领了开平煤矿。

    When the8 armies come into China , the Russian army occupied the Kaiping province .

  18. 开平是珍珠三角洲西南的一座小城。

    Kaiping is a small city in the southwestern part of the Pearl River Delta .

  19. 新会、开平、鹤山三地福寿螺广州管圆线虫感染情况调查

    A Survey of Snail Ampullaria Gigas Infection with Angiostrongylus Cantonensis in Xinhui , Kaiping and Heshan

  20. 开平煤田深部9煤厚度预测的数学模型分析

    Coal Thickness Predicting Mathematical Model Analysis for No.9 Coal Seam in Deep Part of Kaiping Coalfield

  21. 开平市1993~2000年应用阿苯哒唑驱虫糖防治肠道线虫感染效果研究

    Using albendazole anti-helminthes sweeties in controlling the nematode infection in Kaiping city between 1993 to 2000

  22. 开平地区脑卒中瘫痪患者家庭护理需求调查及分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Requirement for Home Health Aid in Paralysis Patients after Cerebral Apoplexy in Kaiping

  23. 目的:了解广东省开平市某公司一起二氧化氯引起的急性中毒原因。

    Objective : To understand the causes of an acute chlorine dioxide poisoning of sanitizer in Kaiping city .

  24. 开平市三次人体重要寄生虫感染状况调查分析

    Analysis on the Surveys of Important Human Parasitic Diseases in Kaiping City in 1989 , 1997 and 2002

  25. 开平线数控系统及几个关键问题的处理

    Digital Controlled System for the Extended , Straightened and Leveled Product Line And the Processing for Several Key Techniques

  26. 他从那里进入开平,5月5日他在开平称帝。

    From there he made his way to Kaiping where , on5 may , he had himself proclaimed emperor .

  27. 然后通过数据处理平台,按照投资者事先写好的交易模型进行数据处理,得出买卖的开平仓指令。

    Through the data processing platform , we conclude the transaction instructions according to investors ' prior written trading programs .

  28. 本公司拥有全自动冷轧卷开平生产线两条,纵剪生产线一条,可根据用户需求定制尺寸。

    The company has automatic cold roll Kaiping , shear production line can be customized according to size of user needs .

  29. 可是开平矿务局的中国员工却在机车两侧各镶嵌一条龙,把它叫做“龙号”机车。

    But , the Chinese staff of Kaiping Mining Bureau beset a dragon at each side of the locomotive and called it as the'Dragon'locomotive .

  30. 虽然开办之初是为了解决军事工业的燃料问题,但是开平煤矿的煤逐渐占领了市场,且销往海外。

    Although the operators of these enterprises were to solve the fuel problem , Kaiping Mines gradually occupied the market , and sold abroad .