
  • 网络Xiamen Railway Station;XiaMen
  1. 但在厦门站潮差区暴露4a后,由于特殊的海水环境和试验设施,该合金局部发生海生物附着下的缝隙腐蚀。

    After exposure in Xiamen tide station for 4a , the alloy locally generated crevice corrosion by marine biofouling .

  2. 在赛季的开始,周训书在广州和厦门站都以前十名完赛,在之后的中巡赛比赛中周训书却遭遇了一些曲折。

    After starting the year with top-10 finishes in Guangzhou and Xiamen , Zhou struggled a bit in the Omega China Tour tournaments that followed .

  3. 厦门GPS基准站建设与试运行

    Construction and experimentally running of Xiamen GPS fiducial station

  4. 厦门(新)站综合交通枢纽交通需求预测研究

    The Transportation Demand Forecast of Comprehensive Transportation Hub of Xiamen ( new ) Station

  5. 为了贴近用户加快服务反应速度,我公司在厦门同安设立服务站。

    For getting close to the customers and supplying quick service , we are setting up service point in Xiamen Tongan .