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fù yīn
  • Polyphony;complex tone
复音[fù yīn]
  1. 作者把听觉对复音的响应频域称为动态声频域。

    Human hearing to complex tone is called " dynamic audio frequency domain " .

  2. 第三部分分类描写17个复音介词,其中介词后附着在元杂剧中已凝固成词,是元代戏剧语言的一个特点。

    The third part is classification depicting 17 complex tone prepositions , " is attaching " a characteristic already solidifying ready-made word , being Yuan dynasty drama language in yuan after the preposition .

  3. 这些映射的复音组合是用CA创作音乐的很好的第一步。

    These polyphonic combinations of mappings are a good first step in creating music from CAs .

  4. 它甚至有一个单词:复音(polyphony)。

    There 's even a word for it : polyphony .

  5. 第一章完成了复音同义词数据库的设计与实现。

    Chapter I completed design and construction of the polysyllabic synonyms database .

  6. 复音化的步伐在这一时期大大加快。

    The pace of disyllabic and polysyllabic words accelerated significantly .

  7. 从复音词数据看上古汉语构词法的发展

    The Development of Word - formation in Ancient Chinese Language

  8. 关汉卿杂剧复音词研究

    Study of Disyllabic Words of Guan Hanqing 's Zaju

  9. 从《报任安书》看汉代复音词的发展

    Development of Polysyllabic Words in Han Dynasty from A Reply to Ren An

  10. 一是单纯复音词,比较少且简单明了。

    One is on the pure polysyllabic words , relatively rare and simple .

  11. 壮侗语带后附音节的复音动词

    Verbs Attached with Syllable or Syllables in Kam-Dai Languages

  12. 由单音词变为复音词,基本的方法有三:一是以原有的单音词作为一个语素,构成新的复音词;

    There are three basic methods from single sound word to compound sound word .

  13. 《商君书》复音词研究。

    Studies on the polysyllabic in the Book .

  14. 有人称其为“二声部氏歌”、“复音民歌”。

    They are also called " two-voice folksongs " or " complex-tone folksongs " .

  15. 并将复音形容词划分为复音性质形容词和复音状态形容词两类。

    Polyphonic adjectives can be divided into polyphonic property adjectives and polyphonic state adjectives .

  16. 复音节心理动词对单音节心理动词具有较强的依赖性。

    Complex psychological verbs of one syllable syllable verb has a strong psychological dependence .

  17. 复音动词238个,仅占19.1%。

    The 238 polysyllables just occupies 19.1 percent .

  18. 从复音词数据看早期汉语各类复音词的发展趋势

    The Development of Word-formation in Early Chinese

  19. 第三章完成了复音同义检索与分析系统模块的设计与实现。

    Chapter III completed module design and development of Polysyllabic synonyms Retrieval and Analysis System .

  20. 在这些复音连词中,有186个双音节连词、31个三音节连词及7个四音节连词。

    Among these polysyllabic conjunctions , there are 186 disyllabic and 31 trisyllable and 7 quadrisyllable .

  21. 以意义、语法关系等为标准,共切分出复音词8022个。

    According to the standard of semantic and grammatical meaning , the writer collected 8022 polysyllabic words .

  22. 汉语词汇从以单音词为主过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语发展史上的一个重大变化。

    The Chinese language vocabulary transfers the monosyllabic words first to the disyllabic and polysyllabic words first .

  23. 复音化进程中产生了大量的复音词,考察这些复音词的衍生方式是揭示复音化形成的原因的最有效而又最直接的途径。

    The most effective and direct way to reveal the causes of disyllables is to investigate the disyllables .

  24. 汉语复音虚词中单字虚化为词缀的趋势分析

    Analysis on the Changing Tendency from Individual " Character " into the Affix in the Complex Functional Words

  25. 元明汉语介词的构成方式中,复音介词所占的比例逐渐增高。

    The proportion of polyphony prepositions gradually increased about the composition of the Yuan and Ming Chinese Preposition .

  26. 魏晋南北朝小说复音词研究

    The Research of the Polysyllabic Words in the Novel of Wei , Jin , South and North Dynasty

  27. 本文在对《祖》介词进行穷尽调查基础上,细致描写了《祖》复音介词、框式介词;

    This article describe the prepositions , compound prepositionsand circumpositions in Zutangji on the basis of exhaustive investigation .

  28. 复音形容词也能直接充当谓语,前可以有否定副词、语气副词和时间副词修饰。本文给出的表达式,可以直接在工程中应用。

    Many adjectives can used as predicate directly . The expressions presented can be used directly in engineering .

  29. 古汉语以单音节词为主,《易经》中记录了由单音节词向复音节词转变的过程。

    Words of old Chinese seem to be mainly monosyllables , YiJing record the change from monosyllables to disyllables .

  30. 从意义、结构、频率和语感四个方面确定复音词。

    Then we identify polyphonic words from four aspects of meaning , structure , frequency and sense of language .