
  • 网络composite lining
  1. 文章主要论述了锚喷支护整体式衬砌产生的客观条件以及与复合式衬砌、现行整体式衬砌的区别。

    In this paper , it discusses the subjective conditions of the production of bolt & shotcrete monolithic lining and differences from composite lining and current monolithic lining .

  2. 隧道衬砌在浅埋段的结构荷载计算表明,复合式衬砌中的初期支护和二次衬砌一般要共同承担荷载。

    The calculation of structural load on the lining of tunnel with shallow overburden shows that the load on composite lining will be shared by primary support and secondary lining .

  3. 综合性防排水材料在复合式衬砌中的应用

    The application of comprehensive waterproof material in combined type liner

  4. 公路隧道复合式衬砌结构数值计算及分析

    Numerical Computing and Analysis of Highway Tunnel Composite Lining Structure

  5. 隧道量测监控及复合式衬砌技术

    The Monitoring of Tunnel Measurement and Compound Lining Technology

  6. 地铁隧道复合式衬砌防水施工技术综述

    Overview of waterproofing technique for subway tunnel complex liner

  7. 复合式衬砌可靠度计算方法研究

    Study of Computation Method for Reliability of Compound Lining

  8. 喷锚支护在公路隧道复合式衬砌施工中的应用

    Application of shotcrete and rock bolt support in composite lining construction of road tunnel

  9. 考虑环境作用的复合式衬砌结构设计方法探讨

    Research on the Design Methods of Composite Tunnel Lining on Consideration of Environmental Effect

  10. 大断面高速公路隧道复合式衬砌结构受力监测分析

    Mechanical Monitoring and Analysis on Composite Lining Structure of Highway Tunnel with Large Cross Section

  11. 南岭双线铁路隧道软岩复合式衬砌围岩压力的试验研究

    The Test Study of the Surrounding Rock Pressure Acting on the Composite Lining in Weak Rock of Nanling Double Track Railway Tunnel

  12. 对于复合式衬砌隧道,初支受力最危险的时期是为修筑二衬而分段拆除初期支护的临时支撑的过程。

    For combined lining tunnel , initial liner is the most dangerous when temporary supports are dismantled before construction of second-layer liner .

  13. 在超前地质预报工作的基础上,结构设计采用超前注浆堵水、初期格栅钢架喷砼网支护、二次现浇钢筋砼衬砌的复合式衬砌方案。

    In the structure design composite lining is adopted , including front pre-grouting , grid steel frame , primary shotcrete-bolting support and reinforcing concrete lining .

  14. 采用复合式衬砌的隧道及地下工程,锚喷支护系统的耐久性直接影响结构的稳定性和运营年限。

    The durability of shotcrete and rockbolt support system has direct influence on structure stability and operating life in tunnel and underground engineering projects with composite lining .

  15. 大瑶山隧道复合式衬砌模型试验研究&超挖回填层对复合式衬砌承载能力的影响

    Experiments and Research of the Multilayer Lining of the Da Yao Mountain Tunnel & the Influence of Overbreak Back-filling Layer on the Bearing Capacity of the Multilayer Lining Structure

  16. 按新奥法原理进行设计,结构采用等截面复合式衬砌,施工采用双侧壁台阶组合法暗挖施工,工程设计难度大、施工风险高。

    It is a super-shallow-berried single-span tunnel project . The New Austrian Tunneling Method is used in design of station , constant-section composite lining is employed for the station structure ;

  17. 探讨复合式衬砌的受力机理,认为喷射混凝土支护层与模注混凝土层的受力传递关系,是接触作用力与反作用力的关系。

    We conclude that load-bearing mechanism of composite lining is such that the force transformation between shotcrete layer and moulded concrete layer may be regarded as action and reaction for contact pressure .

  18. 本文研究复合式衬砌承受围岩压力的大小和分布规律,并探讨大断面隧道通过软弱围岩的合理施工方法及支护结构。

    This , paper studies the quantity and distribution pattern of the surrounding rock pressure undertaken by the composite lining and discusses the reasonable construction method and supporting structure of large cross sectional tunnel through weak surrounding rock .

  19. 洞内防排水采用复合式衬砌中间设聚氯乙烯薄膜结合纵向、环向盲管及橡胶止水带的综合治理方案。

    The water-proof and drainage system within the tunnel has adopted the comprehensive treatment project of the combined linings and setting the PVC pellicle in the middle , the connection of the longitudinal , loop pipes and the rubber-sealing belt .

  20. 研究断层破碎带对围岩稳定性的影响及塌方处治方案优化思路,探讨山岭隧道复合式衬砌在围岩蠕变过程中的受力规律。

    Here , the influence of fault fracture zone on surrounding rock stability and optimized treatment schemes of collapse in such a zone were researched . At the same time , the mechanical rules of double-lining in creeping surrounding rock were studied .

  21. 从采用复合式衬砌的隧道及地下工程的结构特点可知,对于一定形式的锚杆,所遭受的侵蚀作用主要取决于锚杆与来自围岩的侵蚀性地下水的相互作用。

    Based on the structural features of the tunnel and underground engineering project with composite lining , it can be deduced that the erosion of a bolt can be mainly attributed to the interaction between the anchor system and erosive underground water from wall rocks .

  22. 用六节点曲边节理单元模拟复合式衬砌中间防水层,采用二维弹塑性静力有限元模拟某黄土隧道的开挖修建过程,分析了该隧道的静力稳定性。

    In this paper , the composite lined intermediate waterproof layer was simulated by six node curve jointing unite . The process of excavation and construction of a yellow soil tunnel was simulated using engineering elastic-plastic static finite element , and the static stability of the tunnel was analyzed .