
  • Cold gas;cooled coal gas
  1. 电捕焦油器是冷煤气站采用的高效净化设备。

    Electric tar precipitator is high purifying equipment that is applied in the cooled coal gas station .

  2. 双熔敷极焊条电弧焊除尘净化设备设计电捕焦油器是冷煤气站采用的高效净化设备。

    Design of Dust Cleaning Equipment of Twin Deposition Electrode Arc Welding ; Electric tar precipitator is high purifying equipment that is applied in the cooled coal gas station .

  3. 合成气化学能和冷煤气效率直接影响着整个IGCC电站系统效率,是衡量合成气品质和气化炉性能的关键参数。

    Syngas heating value and cold gas efficiency which are the key parameters to evaluate syngas quality and performance of gasifier influenced the efficiency of whole IGCC power system directly .

  4. SCW制氢-联产活性炭方案冷煤气效率为54.1%,热效率达74.7%,实现了产品多元化,也是提高过程经济性的选择之一。

    In this system , cold gas efficiency and thermal efficiency are 54.1 % and 74 . 7 % , respectively . This process might also be an economically viable option in conversion of coal to hydrogen in SCW .

  5. 热电冷煤气等多联供系统的实现

    Implementation of Heat , Electricity , Refrigerant and Gas Multi-generation System

  6. 无烟煤冷煤气明焰烧成彩色卫生陶瓷

    Flame Firing of Coloured Ceramic Sanitary Ware with Anthracite Cold Gas

  7. 冷煤气发生炉煤气的有利条件,效率可达70%。

    Cold gas efficiency of producer gas in favourable condition can be70 % .

  8. 相应的冷煤气效率由48.7%增加到59.6%。

    Increasing the gasifying agent temperature would increase the gasification efficiency from 48.7 % to 59.6 % .

  9. 两段发生炉冷煤气中水分来源与控制

    Source and Control of the Water in the Clean Coal Gas Generated from the Double-stage Coal Gasifier

  10. 处理能力150kg/h,冷煤气效率大于70%。

    The capacity of treatment is 150 kg / h. The efficiency of cold gas is ≥ 70 % .

  11. 两段式加压粉煤气化技术是对气流床干粉气化技术的引进和改进,降低了氧耗,节省了循环冷煤气的压缩功耗,省去庞大的辐射式废锅。

    Two stage pressure gasification technology based on pulverized coal is an outcome of revamping on the licensed entrained flow gasification of dried coal powder .

  12. 煤气的脱硫方法从总体上来分有两种:热煤气脱硫和冷煤气脱硫。

    The coal gas desulphurization method comes up the minute from the overall to have two kinds : Hot coal gas desulphurization and cold coal gas desulphurization .

  13. 结果表明,高温有利于生物质气化,促进碳转化率和冷煤气效率的提高。

    The results indicate that high temperature is in favor of gasification . And it is conducive to improving the rate of carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency .

  14. 干法进料加压粉煤气化工艺具有氧耗低、煤种适应广、冷煤气效率高等优点,国内宜先从中间试验起步进行工艺和工程开发。

    Pressure gasification technology of pulverized coal by dry feeding has a great of advantages such as low consumption of coal and oxygen , wide flexibility of coal sorts and high cold gas efficiency .

  15. 论述了煤气净化工艺采用立管冷却器初冷煤气和轻柴油洗萘脱除萘存在投入高、工艺效果差的弊端。

    Discusses that gas purification technique exists disadvantage of investment hight and technique result is not good by adopting up flow tube cooler to primary cool gas and wash to naphthalene by diesel oil .

  16. 在此基础上,还就空气加入量、蒸汽加入量及加煤速率对床温、煤气组成、煤气热值、碳转化率和冷煤气效率的影响做了预测和分析。

    The effects of the feed rate of air , steam and coal on bed temperature , gas composition , calorific value , carbon conversion and gasification efficiency are predicted and analyzed with the model .

  17. 气化炉的碳转化率和冷煤气效率都有较大幅度提高,分别达到最大值98.58%、76.74%,比原工况分别提高了3.7%、6.1%;

    At the same time , the carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency enhanced sharply , up to the maximum of 98.58 % , 76.74 % respectively , which were 3.7 % , 6.1 % higher than that of before ;

  18. Φ3.2m两段炉冷净煤气站的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Φ 3.2 m Cool and Clean Coal Gas Station of Two-Stage Coal Gasifier

  19. 终冷段煤气温度的探讨

    Discussion on Gas Temperature at the Final Cooling Stage On cold fusion

  20. 分析了终冷段煤气温度偏高的危害及原因,并提出了处理办法。

    Reasons and harm of higher gas temperature at the final cooling stage are analyzed and solutions are proposed .

  21. 冷发生炉煤气敞焰无氧化连续热处理炉的研究


  22. 中冷再热对燃煤气的STIG循环热效率的影响

    Impact of inter-cooling and reheat on thermal efficiency of coal-gasified Stig cycle

  23. 外冷列管式耐硫煤气甲烷化反应器分析

    Analysis of tube array reactor for sulfur-tolerant Methanation

  24. 发电节能新技术热电冷三联产热电煤气三联产技术研究

    New Technology of Saved Energy in Power Plant & Combined Heating , Cooling and Electricity Research on Heat , Electricity and Gas Cogeneration Technology

  25. 在热电冷联产系统的基础上,提出了集发电、供热、供冷、产生煤气、水泥于一体的能源综合利用系统。

    Based on heat , electricity and refrigerant tri-generation system , an energy comprehensive utilization system that combined electricity , heat and cooled water , coal gas and concrete is put forward .