
  • 网络vertical movement;Move Vertical;Vertical shift;Tilt
  1. 方法采用小鼠四诊工作站及其标准,定量检测小鼠瘤径、体重、腋温、爪、尾显微数码拍照屏提取r值、小鼠水平和垂直移动,估算出瘤体积和去瘤体重。

    Method Apply four diagnostic methods workstation and standard to detect tumor radialis , weight and armpit temperature , use magnified digital photos to acquire r value about paws and tails , calculate level and vertical movement , estimate the tumor volume and weight removing tumor .

  2. 结果表明,在试验条件下,氮在土壤中的垂直移动距离可以超过40cm,磷的移动距离在10cm以内,钾的移动距离在30cm以内。

    The result indicated : under this experimental condition , the distance of vertical movement in the soil section of nitrogen could exceed 40 cm , the distance of phosphorus movement was within 10 cm , the distance of potassium movement was within 30 cm .

  3. 摆锤w装在一根杆上,在轴A周围垂直移动,它由螺旋弹簧F所悬挂。

    W is attached to a bar , movable vertically around an axis A and suspended by the helical spring F.

  4. 其上的方块距离为4(记住,只能水平或者垂直移动),H就是40。

    The square just above this square is 4 squares away ( remember , only move horizontally and vertically ) for an H score of 40 .

  5. 应用水声方法考察底栖鱼类和DSL(深海散射层)的垂直移动

    A practical . investigation on demersal fish and DSL rhythmic vertical migration by acoustic method

  6. 利用彩色显示回声探测仪在南海北部水域中测到的图象进行调查底栖鱼类和DSL的垂直移动;

    This paper is based on photographs which were detected by a colour-sounder surveying demersal fishes and DSL rhythmic vertical migration in the northern part ' area of South China Sea .

  7. 根据IONESS系统对浮游动物的分层采样结果,研究浮游介形动物的昼夜垂直移动。

    The diurnal vertical migration of planktonic Ostracoda is studied based on the analysis of stratified samples of zooplanktons in the IONESS system .

  8. 探头垂直移动采用双油缸驱动;

    The probe vertical movement adopts double oil cylinder driven ;

  9. 垂直移动印章的重棒。

    A heavy bar that moves vertically for crushing ores .

  10. 理想条件下氦氡团簇离子垂直移动速度的理论计算

    Theoretical calculation of vertical migration velocity for helium-radon cluster ions under ideal condition

  11. 浮游植物密度与浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动关系不密切。

    The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density .

  12. 因而货物的搬运仅由货物在货舱内的垂直移动所组成。

    Cargo handling therefore consists only of vertical movement of the cargo in the hold .

  13. 潮汐作用使得叶绿素最大值的深度存在周期性垂直移动.叶绿素A最大值层厚度与温跃层强度具有密切的反相关关系。

    The thickness of the chlorophyll A maximum layer was contrarily closely related to thermocline strength .

  14. 冲子,用以于穿越此冲子导孔垂直移动而进行打孔;

    The punch is used for moving vertically by going through the punch guiding hole and then punching .

  15. 机组作业线上垂直移动带材的备用量转动滑架为钻柱和钻头提供转动和垂直移动。

    Vertical strip storage The rotary carriage provides rotary and vertical motion to the drill string and bit .

  16. 这些命名空间越是紧密地保持一致,在它们之间垂直移动名称解析时遇到的摩擦就越少。

    The more closely these namespaces are aligned , the less friction is encountered when name resolution moves vertically between them .

  17. 桡足类有限的适盐能力和伴随潮汐垂直移动以借助水流迁移的行为则可能是形成在低盐区种类多样性最小现象的内因。

    The finite salinity tolerance and tidally-oriented vertical migration of copepods might be the intrinsic reasons for the phenomenon of species minimum in LSZ .

  18. 生命周期、世代时间、繁殖力和产卵量是决定这两种桡足类垂直移动的主要因素。

    Life cycle , generation time , fecundity , and egg production quantity are the main factors to determine these two species ' vertical migration .

  19. 昼夜交替还导致细胞内屏蔽色素颗粒周期性的水平和垂直移动。

    The day and night cycle makes the screening pigment granules in cells move horizontally and vertically in relation to the longitudinal axis of the ocelli .

  20. 转动滑架为钻柱和钻头提供转动和垂直移动。

    The rotary carriage provides rotary and vertical motion to the drill string and bit . the rotation of the top kept time with the music .

  21. 1975年至1991年我们在凉山山系进行了全面调查和设点观察,由于该山系属大熊猫分布最南端,表现其垂直移动和食物季节交化均有其独特性。

    In1975-1991 an extensive investigation on giant pandas was conducted in Liangshan mountains and an observation station was set up in Mabian Dafengding Natural Reserve to monitor them .

  22. 当配重位置发生垂直移动时,通过把承重销轴穿入滑道上对应的圆孔中,实现平台的高度调整。

    When the counterbalance position moves vertically , the bearing pin is penetrated through a corresponding round hole of the slide way to adjust the height of the platform .

  23. 这游戏基本上是相同的,除了加上一个新的方块,一个能够水准和垂直移动的方块。

    This is Railroad Rush Hour . It 's the same basic game except I introduced a new piece , a square piece that can move both horizontally and vertically .

  24. 为了确认极少用的垂直移动,用户必须沿垂直轴移动8个像素,并且左右偏离不超过4个像素。

    To commit to the far less frequent vertical move , the user had to move the cursor eight pixels on the vertical axis without deviating more than four pixels left or right .

  25. 机床工作台能实现快速水平和垂直移动,架具有自动抬机构,机床手柄集中,操作方便,自动化程度高。

    The table moves rapidly in both horizontal and vertical direction , the tool post is with auto tool lifter , the handles collect , so the machine is with easy operation & advanced automation .

  26. 浮游生物的分布与垂直移动影响暗鳍兔头栖息集群及钓渔法,暗鳍兔头作业渔场的浮游生物量为25~50mg/m3。

    The distribution and the vertical movement of plankton influence its habitat , concentration , central ground and fishery . The quantity of plankton in the fishing ground is about 25 ~ 50 mg / m3 .

  27. 当目标的水平移动距离和垂直移动距离都大于云台的最小转矩距离时,使用本文提出的阶梯转动规则,云台进行水平方向和垂直方向交替转动进行实时跟踪。

    When the target horizontal moving distance and vertical moving distance are both greater than the platform minimum torque , use the paper proposed ladder rotation rules to control the platform to alternately rotate in horizontal and vertical directions .

  28. 限制选定的对象沿水平方向或垂直方向移动。

    Constrains the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically .

  29. 主要通过建设垂直环流移动通过中空的大蘑菇干。

    The main vertical circulation through the building moves through the hollow stem of the large mushroom .

  30. 闸阀,也叫闸板阀、闸门阀是指关闭件(闸板)沿通路中心线的垂直方向移动的阀门。用于接通或截断介质。

    Gate valve is a valve with the disk moving vertical with the centre-axis of valve seat when it works . It 's mainly used in connecting and stopping medium .