
  • 网络Chien-Ming Wang;Wang Chien-Ming;mlb;Wang
  1. 在他因腰部背后僵硬离赛的一天后,王建民昨天感到好多了。

    One day after leaving his start with lower back stiffness , Chien-Ming Wang was feeling fine yesterday .

  2. 这些改变增加了王建民对球队的重要性,包含他担任王牌投手的能耐。

    The changes place added importance on Chien-Ming Wang 's ability to return to his role as the staff ace .

  3. 王建民说,洋基队在中国建立据点是很聪明的一步。

    Wang said the Yankees are smart to get established in China .

  4. 纽约报导王建民将无法达成单季20胜。

    New york & there will be no20-win season for Chien-Ming wang .

  5. 否则,王建民可解决危机。

    Otherwise , Wang dodged in and out of trouble .

  6. 王建民在主投的三局中被击出五支安打、失两分。

    Wang gave up two runs and five hits in three innings .

  7. 王建民将来还有的是时间挑战完全比赛。

    Wang still has plenty of time to flirt with perfect games .

  8. 王建民的投球技能随著他的工作量而日渐扩展。

    BOSTON & Chien-Ming Wang 's repertoire is expanding along with his workload .

  9. 但是大部分的时间王建民都是投伸卡球。

    But mostly , Guidry conceded , Wang gets outs with the sinker .

  10. 洋基球场全场观众起立为王建民鼓掌欢呼很长一段时间。

    The Yankee Stadium crowd saluted Wang with a long , standing ovation .

  11. 从此之后,王建民表现越来越稳。

    After that , Posada said , Wang landed less aggressively after throwing .

  12. 王建民是为了下周跨联盟的客场比赛作准备。

    Wang is preparing for the team 's Interleague road games next week .

  13. 王建民掌控大局,洋基在比赛前段取得领先。

    Wang had controlled the game and made the Yankees ' early lead secure .

  14. 不要再认为赛扬奖必然属于王建民的。

    Stop thinking Cy Young for Wang already .

  15. 王建民稍晚说他错失完全比赛的机会并不懊恼。

    Wang later said that he wasn 't upset to have lost the perfect game .

  16. 王建民说在球季结束后他打算苦练滑球和变速球。

    Wang said he intends to spend the offseason working on his slider and changeup .

  17. 王建民将在星期日进行传接球练习,并预定在星期一进牛棚练投。

    Wang will play catch Sunday and is scheduled to have a bullpen session Monday .

  18. 王建民将照暨定行程于周三先发。

    Wang will start Wednesday as scheduled .

  19. 洋基将会和王建民签下长约吗?

    Would the Yankees deal wang ?

  20. 王建民希望这个论坛能够有助于逆转两岸目前的形势。

    Wang Jianmin is expecting the forum to help reverse the current situation across the straits .

  21. 王建民总共被击出六支安打,四个四坏球保送,其中一个是故意四坏,有六次三振。

    Wang gave up six hits and four walks , one intentionally , and struck out six .

  22. 另外,王建民教授表示即将进行的讨论也许还会包括一份和平条约。

    In addition , professor Wang Jianmin said the upcoming discussions may also include a peace treaty .

  23. 王建民是斯文有礼和感性的,他了解他的周围的情况也知道如何应对赞美。

    Yet Wang is polite and perceptive , knowing his surroundings and how to react to praise .

  24. 王建民将会是一个重要的贡献者,带领洋基王朝未来几年的风骚。

    Wang is gonna be a big contributor for the new Yankees dynasty for the years to come !

  25. 王建民透过翻译说:我的伸卡球蛮平的,但是我并不担心。

    " My sinker was flat , but I 'm not concerned ," wang said through an interpreter .

  26. 因为王建民快速而有效率的投球,在他身后的野手有很多守备机会。

    Because Wang works quickly and efficiently , fielders stay alert behind him and often make sharp plays .

  27. 巧合的,王建民今天的出赛也是大联盟第一场完全比赛103周年纪年日。

    Coincidentally , wang 's performance came on the103rd anniversary of the first perfect game in Major League history .

  28. 去年八月,一个王建民相关商品的拍卖中,他的棒球卡标价是3000元。

    An auction of Wang memorabilia in late August saw a baseball card of him fetch almost $ 3,000 .

  29. 王建民发现,他的生父竟是他平时熟知的三叔,王炳颖。

    Wang found out then that his biological father was the man he knew as his uncle , ping-yin wang .

  30. 在经过冬季在凤凰城的自主训练之后,王建民靠著他专业的沈著取得资格。

    In shape following a month-long winter training session in phoenix , wang 's qualifications stem from his professional composure .