
  • 网络language evolution
  1. 基于Agent的语言演化仿真研究

    Language Evolution Simulation and Modeling Based on Agent

  2. 隐喻被认定为语言演化中语义拓展的核心途径。

    Metaphor is deemed to be the key mechanism to extend meanings in language evolution .

  3. 科学上的新词本身就是自我意识到的语言演化的结果,就像科学是自我意识到的常识一样。

    Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone self-conscious , as science is self-conscious common sense .

  4. 因此本研究采用了人类社会文化进化进程中的另一种遗传因子模因,而非人类生物进化进程中的遗传因子基因来观察和研究语言演化。

    But Therefore , memes - another genetic factor of human social and cultural evolution rather than gene - genetic factor of biological evolution is used in this thesis .

  5. 从某种意义上讲,它的存在必然性与语言的演化密不可分。

    In a sense , it is attributed to language evolution .

  6. 这并非泛型本身的问题,而是与语言的演化与兼容有关。

    These are not problems with generics per se , but with the practicality of language evolution and compatibility .

  7. 此前,人们认为,随着两种语言的演化发展,英式英语和美式英语间的差异会增大。

    Before then , it was thought that American English and British English would diverge as the two languages evolved .

  8. 本论文是以色彩为视点,以原型与意造为线索,以史籍和画作为途径,对晚期古典设色山水画风格样式和色彩语言及其演化所进行的理论研究。

    This paper is based on color as a viewpoint , archetype and conception creating as a clue , historical records and paintings as a method to research the style and color language of late classical landscape painting and its evolution .

  9. 电视主持人的说话方式对年轻人的言语习惯以及语言本身的演化有着巨大的影响。

    The way TV hosts speak has a great influence on the speech habits of young people and the evolution of language .

  10. 同时,推动语言结构生成演化的源动力蕴藏于结构之中的遗传基因,表现为上下层级结构分形的关系;

    The dynamics for the generation and evolution of this construction rests on the latent genes in the language , characterized by structural fractal .

  11. 这种由语言符号逐渐演化至文化符号的历程充分地揭示了达斡尔族制度文化的形成、演化及其与外来文化交融的轨迹。

    The course of their evolvement from symbol of language to the symbol of culture fully showed the trace of the forming , the evolving of the cultural system in Dawer Nationality and the trace of mingling with other cultures coming form outside their community .

  12. 基于路径无关语言的等价模式演化策略

    An Equivalent Schema Evolution Policy Based on Path-Independence Language

  13. 随着英语语言的发展和演化,反映新事物的词汇和表达手法层出不穷。

    With the development and evolution of English language , lexical items that reflect new things and new expressions emerge in endlessly .

  14. 提出了基于路径无关语言的等价模式演化方案来解决这个问题。

    This paper addresses the problem by providing equivalent schema evolution ( ESE ) mechanism based on path independence ( PI ) program .

  15. 系统论(系统观)在现代科学技术体系结构中处于亚哲学层次,是系统科学的哲学,它用系统科学的哲学语言论述系统及其演化发展。

    Systematics ( system outlook ) is located on the hierarchy in modern science and technology system . And systematics is the philosophy of system science . And systematics dissertates system and its development with philosophy language of system science .

  16. 因此,提供更多可供选择研究的语言样式(尤其是传统语言的演化)对中国油画乃至中国绘画的发展极为重要。

    Therefore , it is very important , to Chinese oil painting and even Chinese painting , to find more language styles ( especially the evolvement of traditional language ) for selective researches .

  17. 语言学对语言转化的研究最早始于对其历时层面的研究,即对语言演化的研究。

    The research on language transformations in linguistics first started in its diachronic aspect , that is to say , researching on the language evolution .