
  • 网络language identity
  1. 语言认同是近年来社会语言学领域的热门话题。

    Language identity is a new hot topic in area of sociolinguistics in recent years .

  2. 青海同仁土族的语言认同和民族认同

    Language Identity and Ethnic Identity of the Tu Ethnic Group in Tongren , Qinghai Province

  3. 语言认同的困境&延安作家的语言观念与创作实践

    The Predicament of Language Acceptance : the language concept and creating practice

  4. 语言认同是族群认同的又一个重要因素,贺州各族群在语言上族群间的相互认同程度很高,形成了许多共同点。

    Language identity is a major factor in the identity of racial groups , and in Hezhou all racial groups identify each other in their languages to such a high degree that they share many common features .

  5. 本文以“结构观”、“建构观”的理论视角为框架,综述有关语言与认同特别是语言学习者认同的理论与实证研究。

    This paper reviews theoretical and empirical studies on language and identity , locating them in a structuralist-constructivist framework .

  6. 但这样子(的替换)不见得总是对的,而且试图继续这种实验,很快就会帮助我们了解国家和语言的认同,这在世界上是会引起许多困扰的。

    But this is not always true , and an attempt to continue with the experiment will soon help us to recognize the identification of nation and language , which causes a good deal of trouble in the world .

  7. 所有的因素影响着他们的语言发展和认同的形成。

    All factors influence their language development and identity formation .

  8. 27个成员国缺乏组织此类选举工作所需的统一语言和政治认同感。

    The 27 members lack the common language and political identity that would make such an election work .

  9. 语言是族群认同中的核心要素,其重要性在新时期的族群认同中将日益凸显。

    Language is the core element of ethnic identity and its importance has become more conspicuous in the new historical period .

  10. 从文化艺术的繁荣和丰富,从语言及其文化认同的角度出发,我们在重视通用语言即普通话建设的同时,也应该积极合理地开发城市的非通用语言资源。

    From aspects of the enrichment of culture and art , the public agreement of language and its culture , we should not only put attention to the construction of common language ( mandarin ), but also develop non-common language resources actively and reasonably .

  11. 与橙色革命中的同仁一样,季莫申科认为语言是国家认同的重要标志&在一个成立不到20年、过去90年里6次宣布独立的国家,你无法将国家认同视为理所当然的东西。

    Like her fellow Orange Revolutionaries , she thinks language is an important marker of national identity – something you can 't take for granted in a state that has been around for less than two decades and has declared independence six times in the past 90 years .

  12. 语体选择与语言社团的文化认同

    Choice of Type of Writing and Cultural Identification of Language Community

  13. 前者是事物对象之间客观存在或得到语言社会规约性认同的等同关系。

    The former is the identifications between objects or conventional recognition .

  14. 这是第二语言教学界普遍认同的观点。

    This is the generally accepted view in the second language teaching field .

  15. 欧洲语言与欧洲身份认同

    European Languages and European Identity

  16. 研究结果对于未来之发展蕴含著运用音乐于课程设计去增进幼儿之语言学习和社会认同有极大发展潜力。

    Implications for the application of music in curricula designed to improve language and social identity in preschool children are noted .

  17. 这个主题有何重要性?上节课的概括:研究克理奥尔语言和加勒比海身分认同的意义为何?

    What is the subject matter ? Recapitulate from last time : What does it mean to study Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities ?

  18. 这些只是一些将克理奥尔语言和加勒比海身分认同的研究变为有趣的、有助益的、启发思维的、和相互充实合作成果的方针。

    These are just a few guidelines toward turning the study of Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities into a fun , constructive , intellectually simulating and mutually enriching cooperative effort .

  19. 我们以白族语言为例说明了语言的族群认同作用通常因为社会、历史和文化条件的差异而有不同的表现形式。

    The paper uses the language of the Bai nationality to reveal the different expressive forms of their ethnic identity due to different historical , social and cultural situations .

  20. 本文从社会语言学语言变异的角度出发,在语言认同观和言语社区理论的基础上,对在桂农民工的语言使用状况进行了调查分析。

    From the perspective of language variation of sociolinguistics , the dissertation conducts a study on the language uses of Guangxi migrant workers , which is based on Language Identity and Speech Community Theory .

  21. 中国英语变体,作为世界英语变体大家庭中的一员,是英语在中国本土化的产物,不可避免的带有汉语语言和文化特征,是对中国语言与文化认同的具体表现。

    China English , a member of the World Englishes , is the localized variety of English in China , therefore , Chinese linguistic identity and cultural identity are inevitably transferred into it . It can be used to express Chinese cultural identity .

  22. 在使用另一种语言作为交际手段时,对本族语言与文化的认同会被移植到其中。

    The native linguistic and cultural characteristics may be transplanted in the non-native language used for communication .

  23. 第一语言与母语是交叉概念,决定母语的不是语言获得的顺序,而是民族或自己的语言认同。

    First language and mother tongue are overlapping concepts . It is the language identity of a nation or an individual that determines the mother tongue , but not the sequence of acquisition .