
  1. 论郑珍诗歌独特的美学风格

    A Brief Analysis of the Unique Aesthetic Style of Zheng Zhen 's Poem

  2. 郑珍山水诗在艺术表现上颇多独创之处。

    Zhengzhen made a lot of unique changes in the art manifestation of his poem .

  3. 最后,在结语部分概括郑珍山水诗的价值和地位。

    Finally , in the epilogue part of Zheng Zhen landscape poetry generalizations value and position .

  4. 郑珍是晚清诗坛上最优秀的诗人之一,也是清代第一流的诗人。

    Zheng Zhen is the best poet of Late Qing Dynasty ; he is also the first-class poet in Qing Dynasty .

  5. 本文在绪论部分概述郑珍山水诗研究的历史和现状,揭示选题缘起和研究意义。

    This paper , based on these works in the introduction section Zheng Zhen landscape poetry study summary , reveal the history and status of its origin and significance of the research topic .

  6. 目前,郑珍山水诗的研究主要集中在生平交游、代表作品和艺术风格等方面,但比较零散,缺乏系统性,结合现代旅游来分析的文章还不多,有待进一步研究。

    Current research mainly in the life and friendship , representative works and artistic style , etc. , but the new point of view of modern tourism , the article also need seen to be studied further .

  7. 在第二章编撰的目的和动机中,我们认为,郑珍编撰《说文新附考》的主要目的是希望能够以字通经,恢复汉代解经的朴实学风,宏扬许郑儒学。

    In the second chapter " the aim and motive of compilation ", in our opinion , the main aim is that Zheng Zhen hopes to resume the simple style of study and carry on Xu Zheng Confucianism .

  8. 尽管当前学术界把郑珍定位为宋诗运动中的优秀诗人,但是郑珍从来就是反对诗分唐宋,而且他主张学古但不摹古,做到学而能化。

    The second section : Although the present academic papers has located Zheng zhen as " The excellent poet in the Song Shi movement ", Zheng zhen had not approved of the boundary of Song Poem and Tang Poem in the poem field , and objected to imitating ancient works .