- 网络big name

The collector adds : " there are also many restrictions on how big stars , like Tom Cruise , should appear on a poster . "
As in other agencies , staff retention is crucial at ICM because of the close relationships between agents and their superstar clients .
China had been hoping for an Oscar for the film , directed by the celebrated Zhang Yimou and the first domestically-funded movie with a Hollywood star in the lead role .
In the past year , top names such as Justin Bieber , Katy Perry and Kylie Minogue have performed in Indonesia without incident .
Mr Berg experienced this six months ago when Mel Gibson , one of ICM 's biggest stars , made anti-Semitic remarks to a Jewish police officer after being arrested for drink driving .
But the rise of digital downloads , the decline of DVDs , the proliferation of TV channels and the desperate need for popular content mean Hollywood needs big names more than ever to make a show a success .
WME represents plenty of big stars but some of its activities go beyond the traditional definition of a talent agency .
In addition to Cadillac , JEEP , Chevrolet , Fiat , Audi , Dongfeng Peugeot have invited well-known directors and stars to film their own micro film advertising , but the subject matter , style , shots are different .
Before the Internet and Ticketmaster stepped in , big-name tickets were typically purchased one way : by lining up on the street at night alongside throngs of hardy fans and waiting for a box office or a record store to open at 9 a.m. Since most of my early concertgoing took place in Scotland ,
There were several big Hollywood stars at the function .
And does she like working with these big stars ?
A megawatt star and a writer with impeccable pedigree .
The Wall Street Journal : Are big-name stars essential for comedies ?
All the big stars were at the party .
Star Salaries Coming Down in Hollywood ?
The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role , not some unknown .
It 's quite a collection of signed jerseys from the biggest stars in all of sports .
He invests heavily in jaw-dropping action sequences and special effects and employs big , crowd-pulling stars .
When they are paid , compensation is often a flat fee , with bigger stars pulling as much as $ 100,000 per track .
Why does the younger generation of young Hollywood sending out the message that using sex is the best way to become a major celebrity .
Then the stars came out , with Winfrey 's producersmaking good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies , music and television .
" The Hurt Locker ," which didn 't feature A-list stars , is the lowest-grossing film to be named Best Picture in Oscar history .
He 's very normcore . You can see why nobody recognized him , why an international superstar was able to move through the city unseen .
That philosophy extends to her hands-on approach to the design of her wildly popular dresses & favored by A-listers like Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez .
More than 100 of the world 's biggest stars took part in a charity event to raise money for the millions of people affected by the Haiti earthquake .
While Seinfeld joked , I turned my back to him and tried to pick out the actors I recognized like Adam Sandler , John Goodman , and Michael Douglas .
Major star , prominent producer , and member of one of hollywood 's most prominent families to boot , Michael Douglas is one of hollywood 's biggest movers and shakers .
From the100m dash to the42.195km marathon , from the hammer throw to the high jump , it contains many of the Olympic Games'blue-ribbon events and many of the highest-profile competitors .
That 's right - The Big Bang Theory has had some truly sensational guest stars over the past 12 seasons , but they 've never had this beloved celeb on the series before .
Given Maradona 's larger-than-life persona , and China 's fondness for big-name stars willing to live in the country , the aging legend likely wouldn 't have much trouble finding a job in the world 's most populous country .