首页 / 词典 / good

  • footpath;path;track;way
  • directly;straightway
  • 小路;亦指道路,方法:~道。山~。捷~。途~。大相~庭(相差太远)。

  • 直,直捷了当:~直。~流。~情(任性)。~自。

  • 数学上指连接圆心和圆周的直线:直~。


(狭窄的道路; 小路) footpath; path; track:

  • 曲径

    a winding path;

  • 山径

    mountain path


(达到目的的方法) way; means:

  • 捷径

    an easy way; shortcut


(直径的简称) diameter:

  • 半径



(径直) directly; straightway:

  • 径回大连

    go straight back to Dalian;

  • 径行办理

    deal with the matter straightway

  1. 花径不曾缘客扫,蓬门今始为君开。

    The footpath strewn with fallen flowers not swept clean ; my wicket door is opened but for you today .

  2. 陆地型长绒棉新种质F2代主要经济性状相关及通径分析

    Correlation and path analysis of f_2 main economic characters in Upland fine-fiber cotton

  3. 主席不顾委员会的反对,径行签署了协议。

    The chairman overrode the committee 's objections and signed the agreement .

  4. 他用力一击,球径直飞出了球场外。

    He belted the ball right out of the park .

  5. 汽车径直朝成都驶去。

    The car headed directly toward Chengdu .

  6. 来稿请径寄编辑部。

    Please send your contributions directly to the editorial department .

  7. 例句当球径直冲她的脸飞来时,她一动不动。

    She didn 't move when the ball was coming straight towards her face .

  8. 株高、冠幅、花径是矮牵牛的重要观赏性状。

    Height , breadth and diameter of corolla are the important ornamental characters of petunia .

  9. 航空摄影可提供有关降水量、蒸发蒸腾量、入渗和径流量的有价值的资料。

    Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation , evapotraspiration , interception , and runoff .

  10. 我们沿着曲折的石径,随着男孩女孩汇成的巨流一路走去。

    We moved along the sinuous gravel walks , with the great concourse of girls and boys .

  11. 驴却大相庭径,他有很多的事情要做;到磨坊去推磨,到树林去背回木材,或到农庄去驮运货物。

    The ass , on the contrary , had much work to do , in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm , .

  12. 利用MRI测量头颅三条径线及岩椎角的评价

    Evaluation of measuring three cranial lines and pyramids angle by MRI

  13. 用X射线衍射(XRD)分析得到的平均粒径16.7nm。

    The average particle size analysed with XRD is 16.7 nm .

  14. 非开挖PE穿管修复法的允许缩径

    Permission Reducing Diameter of Non-excavation PE Pipeline Inserting Renovation Method

  15. P4是增加球径的良好亲本;P5和P6是增加球高的良好亲本;

    P4 was the better parent for added head diameter , P5 and P6 were the better parents for added head height ;

  16. 用激光和V型块测量轴径的方法

    The Method of Measurement of the Shaft Diameter by Laser and V - type Block

  17. 研究了四种不同粒径PP/PA6微粉制备共混物的结构与性能,在2个4%含量下,共混物拉伸强度随粒径增大而增加;

    The structure and properties of SBS / different plastic powder blends were studied .

  18. 并对制得的材料进行X射线衍射测试、透射电镜观察颗粒的形貌及大小、颗粒的粒径分析以及磁滞回线的测试。

    At the same time , it studied by X-ray diffraction , TEM photographs , particle size analysis and magnetic properties test .

  19. 应用正交实验设计,对新播长白落叶松苗期进行了N、P、K施肥试验,结果表明:N、P影响苗高、地径、植株干物质重量;

    Using orthogonal test design , fertilizer tests with N , P , K were conducted during seedling stages of Larix olgensis which were newly sowed .

  20. 热重分析(TG)说明复合球体的硅含量随着所组装的纳米二氧化硅的粒径的增加而增加;

    TG revealed that silica content within the composite microspheres increased with the assembled nano silica diameter .

  21. 纳米稀土金属Gd的制备及其粒径评估

    Preparation and size evaluation of nanometer gadolinium powders

  22. 激光粒度仪测定复合物粒径和Zeta电位;

    The particle size and zeta potential were measured by laser particle size analyzer .

  23. 纳米ZrO2前驱体溶胶制备及其对定径水口改性研究

    Preparation of Nano-Zirconia Precusor Sol and Its Application of Modification on Sizing Nozzle

  24. AIC、CP与通径分析

    AIC , Cp and Path Analysis

  25. 采用化学镀方法制备了NiPSiC复合镀层,系统研究了镀液中SiC含量和粒径对镀层结构及显微硬度的影响。

    Effect of concentration and size of SiC particle in plating bath on the structure and hardness of electroless Ni P SiC plated composite coats was systematically studied .

  26. 镀液中SiC含量和粒径对Ni-P-SiC复合化学镀层性能的影响

    Effect of Concentration and Size of SiC Particle on the Properties of Ni-P-SiC Electroless Plated Composite Coats

  27. 使用4F导管经股动脉径路行冠脉造影115例体会

    Diagnostic coronary angiography by femoral artery approach with 4F catheter in 115 cases

  28. 微量的NaOH能有效消除超细铜粉表面的棱峰,使铜粉的表面更圆滑,同时也可以使铜粉粒径变小。

    NaOH can effectively eliminate the wrinkle of copper particles , at the same time , the copper particles become smaller , too .

  29. 随着EPS颗粒粒径的增大,砂浆的分层度增大,保水性、和易性及抗折强度降低。

    With increasing of modified EPS powders size , the segregation phenomenon of mortar became seriously , water retention , workability and bending strength decreased .

  30. 通过化学共沉淀法制备非晶态MoS3,并脱硫制备获得的IF-MoS2平均粒径在100nm左右,其结构为球状嵌套封闭结构。

    IF-MoS_2 nanoparticles have an average diameter of 100 nm , and its structure is spherical and nested .