
  • 网络cooling;quantity of cold;Chilling requirement;cooling capacity;cold
  1. 椭圆翅片管蒸发冷却器是一种直接从自然界获取冷量、不使用CFCs、无环境污染的高效节能的制冷装置。

    The elliptical finned tube evaporative cooler is an efficient and energy saving refrigeration equipment that gets cooling capacity from nature directly , no use of CFCs and no environmental pollution .

  2. 本文所研究的100W/4.5K氦制冷机,是在4.5K温度下,可以提供100W冷量的氦制冷机。

    In the paper , the flow cycle and main facilities of the helium refrigerator with cooling capacity of 100W at 4.5K were theoretically studied .

  3. Air(初三适用)空分装置冷量不平衡的故障分析及处理

    Failure Analysis on the energy unbalance of the air seperation unit and improvement measure

  4. LNG冷量优化集成利用技术

    Study on Optimization and integration utilization techniques of LNG cold energy

  5. 空分装置利用LNG冷量的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic analysis of LNG cold utilized by air separation units

  6. 冷藏、空调和制干冰利用了LNG的冷量。

    Power plant and air separation system utilize the LNG cold exergy .

  7. 硫脲、GA3打破不同需冷量观赏桃花品种自然休眠的效果研究

    Effect of Thiourea and GA_3 on Endo-dormancy Breaking of Ornamental Peach Cultivars Having Different Chill Requirements

  8. 办公楼新风量测量液化天然气(LNG)的冷量利用

    Fresh Air Amount Estimation of Official Buildings Cold Energy Utilization of Liquefied Natural Gas

  9. LNG汽车压力较低,因而有利于LNG冷量火用的回收利用。

    The lower system pressure is benefit to recovery the cold energy of LNG .

  10. 通过对建筑物动态负荷与小型吸收式制冷机制冷量之间关系的研究,开发了基于PID控制器的小型吸收式制冷机变水温控制系统。

    The variable water temperature control system that based on PID controller was studied to deal with dynamic space load and refrigerating capacity of SAAC .

  11. 指出,LNG冷量火用包括显热火用和潜热火用两部分。

    It is shown that cold exergy includes two parts , sensible cold exergy and latent cold exergy .

  12. 对于一定组分的LNG,环境温度T0及系统压力P对冷量火用的影响较大。

    The environment temperature and the system pressure have great effects on the cold exergy of fixed component LNG .

  13. 探讨了废旧橡胶低温粉碎中LNG冷量的利用问题。

    The usage of cold energy in LNG was studied during the waste rubber was pulverized in low temperature .

  14. 利用LNG冷量的空分系统节能新流程设想方案

    The Design of a New Flow for Saving the Energy of the Air Separation System with LNG Cold Energy

  15. 在此基础上建立的试验系统测试结果表明,液氮模拟LNG冷量回收汽车空调系统具有较好的冷量利用性能。

    An experimental system simulating cold energy recovery of LNG with liquid nitrogen is established based on the anterior analysis .

  16. 简介了LNG冷量用于空分装置的实际例子及其节能效果;

    The example of LNG cold applicable to air separation units and the energy saving effects are described in brief .

  17. 屋面K值越小,全年单位耗热量、全年单位耗冷量以及全年单位总耗量越小。

    The smaller the K value of roof is , the smaller the annual unit cold consumption , the annual unit heat consumption and the annual unit total consumption is .

  18. 在兴建LNG接收站时,应当重视采用该项技术,有效回收LNG的冷量,节省能源。

    This technology should be recognized and adopted in the process of LNG terminal construction in order to recover LNG cold energy and save energy .

  19. 最后指出,空分装置利用LNG冷量可达到多产液体、节省投资和运行费用的效果。

    Finally the paper illustrates that utilization of LNG cold by air separation units can result in more liquid capacity and less expenditure on capital and operation .

  20. 空气循环膨胀制冷的液体空分流程采用LNG冷量代替了空气外循环制冷,简化了制冷系统,与原始流程相比,液态产品的单位能耗降低约49%;

    Instead of air and nitrogen expanding refrigeration unit , LNG cold energy was used respectively to pre-cool the material air and cycle nitrogen in the two systems .

  21. LNG冷藏车是以LNG为动力燃料,并利用LNG汽化复温过程中所释放冷量制冷的低温运输专用汽车。

    The LNG Refrigerator Car takes LNG as the power fuel , which is the special purpose vehicle of low temperature transportation and uses cold energy released LNG gasification rewarming to refrigerate .

  22. 通过分析LNG冷量利用原理及对LNG进行的分析,得出回收LNG冷量发电不仅有效利用能源,而且减少机械制冷造成的大量电能消耗,具有可观的经济效益和社会效益。

    From the analysis we know that recovery and utilization of LNG cold energy not only efficiently utilizes energy , but also reduces power consumption , which has both great economic and social benefits .

  23. 指出可考虑发展利用液化天然气(LNG)冷量的技术,既降低了橡胶粉碎的成本,又能充分、高效地利用LNG资源。

    In China the technology of LNG cryogenic energy utilization can be used for rubber comminution . It not only decreases the production cost of rubber comminuting but also makes full and effective use of LNG resources .

  24. 其中,采用天然气CO2转化化学回热回收较高温度的燃气透平排气热量,采用氨吸收制冷循环回收较低温度的排气热量,并利用制冷循环产生冷量作CO2循环压气机进气冷却。

    In which , the waste heat from the turbine exhaust is recovered to drive CO_2 / NG reformer , and the lower temperature heat is provided with the ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle to generate chilled media used for cooling the turbine inlet gas .

  25. 利用液氮的汽化潜热可以迅速将系统冷却到77K,然后利用制冷机冷量将磁体系统冷却到4.2K。

    The magnet system is first cooled down to 77K by vaporizing the liquid nitrogen , and then it is cooled down to 4.2K by the pulse tube cooler .

  26. 采用DMF为吸收剂、R134a/R23作为制冷剂的自行复叠扩散吸收制冷循环,不仅具有传统扩散吸收制冷的优点,还可以制取更低温度的冷量。

    The auto-cascade diffusion absorption refrigeration cycle which employed DMF as the absorbent , and R134a & R23 as the refrigerant owns the advantages of the traditional one , but also the ability to produce cooling capacity at even lower temperature .

  27. 本文介绍了VRV空调系统设计中需要考虑的冷量衰减,几种新风处理方法的优缺点以及VRV的控制系统。

    In this paper it proposed such problems as cool attenuation in designing VRV air conditioning system , merits and demerits of some processing methods of fresh air , and the controlling system of VRV .

  28. 对CO2-H2的低温分离工艺进行了模拟,并进行了热力学分析,每生产1kgCO2需消耗425.83kJ压缩功和496.79kJ的低温(-125℃)冷量。

    Second , the cryogenic separating process of CO2-H2 is simulated and applied to thermodynamic analysis . It shows 425.83 kJ work of compress and 496.79 kJ cool of low-temperature ( - 125 ℃) are consumed to generate one kg CO2 .

  29. 为此,针对LNG冷量回收过程中的大温差换热关键技术,提出了带有蓄冷功能的多级冷能回收汽车空调系统,并对该系统进行了模块化数值分析;

    Aiming at the key technique of heat exchange with big temperature difference in the process of LNG cold energy recovering , the vehicle air-conditioning system with multistage cold energy recovering is developed as the cold energy storage . And the modular numerical analysis is conducted for the system .

  30. 小型VRV中央空调系统具有一机多室制冷功能,冷量分配灵活,节省安装空间,与传统中央空调相比投资成本较少,已成为商用和家用空调产业的主流。

    VRV mini central air condition system with a multi-room refrigeration function , it can refrigeration allocation flexibility , saving installation space , and it costs less than the traditional investment , VRV mini central air condition system has become a commercial and residential air-conditioning industry mainstream .