
  1. 论法、德兼治的人文理念论德治与法治的统一

    On the Unity of Rule by Law and Rule by Virtue

  2. 试论德治与法治的关系

    On relationship between rule of virtue and rule by law

  3. 论德治与法治的系统辩证关系

    Systematic and Dialectic Relationships between the Lawful and Moral Administration

  4. 理想的治理结构应该是德治与法治的统一,其理论基础是理性与非理性,善与恶相统一的人性论假设。

    A perfect government structure should be the uniform of moral and law .

  5. 论社会隐秩序与显秩序&兼论德治与法治的关系

    On the Covert Order and Overt Order of Society

  6. 德治与法治的重点都是治权、治官。

    Emphasis of ruling by law and by benevolent policy is on administrative power .

  7. 德治与法治相结合是当代家庭教育的必由之路;

    The combination of moralities with laws is the only way of family education .

  8. 实施依法治校提高民办学校的信誉度高校后勤管理中的德治与法治

    Carrying out Managing the School According to Law and Enhancing the Credibility of Civilian-run Schools

  9. 历史上德治与法治思想研究

    The Study of the Thoughts & Managing State Affairs by Law and Morality in History

  10. 德治与法治辩证关系浅析全面建设小康社会中公平与效率的辩证关系

    The relationship of the justice and efficiency in the process of constructing the well-being society fully

  11. 在社会主义条件下,国家法律与社会道德在本质上一致,德治与法治并行不悖,二者相辅相承,彼此促进。

    In the socialism law and morality are consistent . They supplement and promote each other .

  12. 陕西职业足球赛场秩序的德治与法治分析

    Analysis of Rule of Virtue and Rule by Law on the Order of Shaanxi Professional Football Court

  13. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。

    Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure .

  14. 试论现代西方国家坚持德治与法治相结合的经验

    On the History Experience in Combining Rule by Moral with Rule by Law in the Modern Western Countries

  15. 论德治与法治的辩证统一及其相关问题

    Dialectical Unity between " Government by Morality " and " Government by Law " and Its Related Problems

  16. 建立竞技体育德治与法治同时进行治理的格局,完善体育道德监督评价体系。

    Build athletic sports virtue with rule by law and management pattern , the perfect sports moral supervision and evaluation system . 3 .

  17. 德治与法治的关系是一个古老的话题,在新的历史条件下,又获得了新的涵义,并赋予二者新的关系。

    To rule by law and virtue is an old topic , but it acquires a new implication and new relationships under the new circumstances .

  18. 现代文明社会的治理模式,应该是德治与法治的高度协调、高度融洽的互动。

    The ruling mode for a modern civilized society should be in a high-degree balance , ferment between rule of morality and rule of law .

  19. 德治与法治正当性分析&兼及中国与东亚法文化传统之检省

    A Study on the Justification of Rule of Virtue and Rule of Law & With a Review of Legal Cultural Tradition of China and East Asian Countries

  20. 德治与法治是社会健康发展的强力保障,我们既要依法治国,还要以德治国。

    To rule by law and virtue is the firm guarantee to ensure the healthy social development . We must rule the country both by law and by virtue .

  21. 在实践中坚持德治与法治结合,对于优化队伍管理,加强队伍建设有重要意义。

    It 's of great significance to stick to the combination of governing the team by virtue and law in optimizing the management of the team and strengthening its building .

  22. 三要充分认识私营企业主阶层的复杂性,坚持德治与法治相结合,使其成为坚定的社会主义事业的建设者。

    Finally , the stratum of private enterprise owners must be guided to be faithful socialist builder through moral education and rule by law with a full understanding of its complexity .

  23. 第四部分,重点分析了企业道德建设必须坚持的人文关怀原则、诚实守信原则、德治与法治统一原则、义利并重原则,为维护食品安全提供理论基础。

    Part IV offering the theoretical basis for the maintenance of food safety including humane care , honest , trustworthy , uniform virtue and the rule of law principle and so on .

  24. 继承与拓新:韩非论德治与法治&兼与先秦儒家、道家比较儒家的德治与当今的以德治国

    Inheritance and Renovation : Han Fei s View on the Relationship between Rule by Morality and Rule by Law ; The Moral Governing of Confucian School and the Present State Affairs Management with Morality

  25. 要充分发挥德治与法治这两种调控手段在治国安邦中的重要作用,使之相互渗透、功能互补,必须努力做到道德法制化和法律道德化。

    It is very important to legalize morality and moralize laws , and make these two compensate for each other so as to realize the functions of the two mechanism of both " govern by law " and " govern by moral " .

  26. 三者的统一,就是法哲学的辩证体系。在这个体系中,道德与法律,德治与法治,得到了逻辑、历史、现实的整合。

    The unity of the above three is the dialectical system of the philosophy of law in which the unification of morality and law , and of rule by morality and rule by law is realized in the logical , historical and realistic sense .

  27. 先秦时期的德治与法治是一个古老而又崭新的话题,也是一个可以联系中国古今历史的论题,一直以来相关论述不胜枚举。

    The virtue and the rule of law of pre-Qin Dynasty is not only an old and new topic , but also a topic which can contact the Chinese ancient and modern history , the relevant discussion of it has been too numerous to mention .

  28. 传统的特别权力关系实际上是一个没有救济的空间,现代法治要求有权利必有救济,这也是我国依法治国、依法行政的基本要求。德治与法治从来都是相辅相成的,二者缺一不可。

    Traditional special power relation in practice is a space without relief , the modern rule of law demand that the relief must be given if people have the right , it is also the basic request for which our country rule and administer by law .

  29. 以德治国应坚持继承中华民族传统美德、以国家和人民为重保障公民和个人合法权益、以人为本、德治与法治统一等四个原则。

    There are four principles to follow : to carry on traditional virtue of the Chinese nation , to guarantee lawful rights and interests of individuals , to take human rights as the foundation , to integrate " Running by Virtue " and " Running by Man " .

  30. 我们现在提倡的德治管理与法治管理也是以人为根本目的的。

    As well , our rule of virtue and rule of law also make people as basic object .