
  • 网络DESAY
  1. 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。

    Additionally , most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries , where profits are higher , rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification .

  2. 爵士总经理邓尼斯林德塞为戈登送上最好祝福,告诉ESPN“我们球队核心很年轻,我们即将再赴征途”。

    Jazz GM Dennis Lindsey wishes Hayward family " the very best , " and tells ESPN : " We have a good young core and we are going to compete . "

  3. 德塞称,招聘人员在招聘过程中仍然起着至关重要的作用。

    Desai says that recruiters are still a vital part of the process .

  4. 马丁•丘德斯担任艺术指导、吉尔•奎提尔担任布景设计在《鹅毛笔》中描述了德塞得侯爵苦难而激情的一生。

    Martin Childs for the art direction and Jill Quertier for the set decoration of the pained and turbulent life of the Marquis De Sade in Quills .

  5. 德塞称,对于许多企业来说,招聘人员往往一开始把网撒得太大,最后相中的人才又往往对他们提供的工作没有兴趣。

    Recruiters cast their nets too wide and wind up reaching out to people who have no interest in the jobs they are looking to fill , Desai says .

  6. 不仅如此,萨。卡瑟罗女士也是北德塞雷斯提诺音乐会室内乐交响乐团和梅克伦堡管乐学院的创始人之一;

    In addition , she has taught at the Young Academy Rostock ( Yaro ) . She is a co-founder of the North German Chamber Orchestra Concerto Celestino and the Mecklenburg Wind Academy .

  7. 费斯克的大众文化的影响源很多,其中生产者式文本的理论主要受到了巴特的文本理论和德塞都的抵制理论、解码理论的影响。

    Fiske source of many of the impact of popular culture , including the theory of the main producers of type text text by Barthes both theory and Desai resistance theory , the decoding theory .

  8. 然而在谈论国际米兰可能是监听德塞蒂斯电话并对其进行敲诈勒索的幕后主使的同时,我们不该忽视身处乙级的尤文正因此而兴奋。

    But amid all the talk that Inter may have been behind a plot to wiretap De Santis and later blackmail him , let 's not lose sight of the excitement currently being generated by Juventus in Serie B.